Surprise, Surprise!

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Misaki's POV
As I went to go get changed I noticed through the glass window in the door and person with bright blonde hair. He kept on scratching his head.
'Well , he looks lost ... Should I help him should I not help him. I could help him but Kuroko-ni will probably kill me for leaving without him knowing.' While I was in the middle of this mid life crisis the blonde was walking and he ... tripped and fell.
' Okay he really needs help I'll just ignore Kuroko-ni for a while'
I opened the door to the gym as quietly as I could. The blonde had now gotten up.
'Tall ' was my first thought. This guys is atleast
6'3. Defintely a basketball player. The guy turned to me and I finally got a look at his facial features.
'Maybe a model?' Was the next thing that came to mind. I finally spoke up
," Hey , are you okay you seem like you're lost. What are you looking for?" He quickly responded with
," Actually I am pretty much lost , but I doubt you'll know where I'm trying to go." This guy was starting to tick me off. Just because I'm a girl and I'm only 4'11 everyone underestimates me. It was really hard to convince the team in the first place that I was a high schooler. Anyway back to the point , I was officially annoyed.
I replied to him in a dry tone ," I live around here I pretty sure that I can help you ." He looked at me questioningly . He said
," Okay then I'm looking for Seirin High School do you happen to know where it is little girl ." Okay now I'm mad. I sassily stated
," Two things . First of all I'm 16 and second of all I go to Seirin so follow me it's literally right behind you." He turned to look behind himself and said
," I feel so said maybe Kuroko-akin can help me." This got me into questioning mode
," How do you know Kuroko-nii?" He suddenly replied back
," How do you know Kuroko-kun and why do you look like him ?" Now we were both pointing at each other. In any other situation I would be laughing at this comical scene but I had a brother to protect. I decided to get the conversation going and I said
," Okay tell me your name first ." He quickly retorted
," No you tell me your name first ." We kept on bickering back and forth. Finally I decided that this wasn't going anywhere so I swallowed my pride and said in a dejected tone
," Fine you win my name is Misaki and I'm Kuroko's little sister." He looked at me shocked and stuttered out
," But Kuroko-kun never talked about a cute little sister. I'm Ryota Kise but you can call me Kise." Suddenly I replied
," You're Kuroko's old teammate aren't you?"
He told me
," Yep that'd be me ." He stated with a smile .
I got very suspicious
," Then what are you doing here ?" He replied with a smirk
," That'll be a surprise but now that I know you're his sister I may have to take you out on a date." I immediately said in a dry tone
," Heck to the no just go in the gym Kise ."
He walked toward the gym doors and I followed him . I went in wondering how he's friends with my brother. As we walked in I saw a scene I thought I would never ever see in the Seirin gym. The whole team had turned the gym upside down. I finally shut the door behind me. It closed with a bang, they all looked toward me and said ," MISAKI" The only person who didn't was Kuroko he was giving me a look that said that I was in trouble. If looks could kill I'd be six-feet under right now. He said out of all the chaos ," Kise what are you doing here and with my sister." Kise replied very fast with...

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