An Explanation Part 1

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Narrators POV

While Misaki was looking at the girls infront of her that were very familiar with her she couldn't help but think about how she ended up in the situation that she was in.


Misaki had just gotten into America she had been excited to play with the team that had invited her there. She spent hours on end practicing her English until it was perfection. Her nerves were though she was nervous to see if she could really make it in the foreign country.

With a shrug to herself she left the airport. When she got into the cab there was an awkward silence. Misaki could tell that the driver didn't really wanna talk at the moment so she opted for turning her head and looking out the window. As she saw the landscape pass by her thoughts started to wonder again. It seemed to happen to her a lot.

She started to think about the day she got the letter saying she was invited to play on the team for a few years. At this point she was only in middle school and Kuroko was her only guardian. Their parents had died when they were young and they were being watched by the government but the government just mostly left them alone.

Kuroko was reluctant to let her go but eventually he let up and that's how she ended up in America. What Misaki didn't know was that of which the team she was going to be on. All she had been told was that she was invited to play.

Her playing style had been pretty famous around Japan at the time. The Americans probably saw her playing at the national tournament that her and her old team went to.

Misaki was suddenly shaken out of her thoughts when the cab driver was trying to get her attention to let her know that they had arrived. She off-handily told him thank you and she went toward the gym. The big gym seemed to loom over her as she got closer.

As she reached for the handle she stopped. She stood and asked herself would she really want to do this. She then thought of all the things she had been through to get where she was. She smiled and opened the door what she wasn't expecting was what she saw when she walked in .


Hey guys I haven't really talked to y'all in a while. I just want to say thank you again for reading my story and for almost 30k reads. Also the current story I'm reading ( it's a real published book ) is called The Messenger by Lois Loury it's so good kinda short but a great story line. I recommend it to everyone.

Love y'all

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