Chapter 2: After Practice

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James's POV

"Alright guys rehearsal is done for today. You all did great. Everybody head home for the day," Kate told us all.

I smiled, huffing from dancing so hard. But we had to. Internationals was in 2 weeks. We had to get in all the rehearsal time we could. Not to many days off from dance anymore, except for....well... Sundays, and days that I had after school detention with Riley for PDA in the school hallway....

Speaking of Riley... I heard footsteps coming behind me and glanced back to see her walking my way, in bare feet and her usually tight black shorts, blue top, and black&white sports bra, with her hair held back by on of those white crease-less hair ties. I smiled and turned to my cubby.

"Hey James?" Riley asked, wrapping her arms around my lower neck, from behind, so she didn't choke me, as I was grabbing my dance bag. I leaned back slightly and looked over my shoulder.

"Yeah babe?" I asked casually, and she smiled and giggled a little, letting go of me. It was the cutest giggle ever. I pulled my bag from my cubby and set it down on the bench. Then leaned against the cubbies as I pulled Riley close by the waist, wrapping my hands behind her lower back. Her hands were against my chest. Riley bit her lip in that cute and sexy way she always does.

"I was just wondering..." She started off slowly, running her hands up my shirt, "That know I have to shower when I get home anyway...." She added, in this fake innocent voice, still slowly and I knew she was going somewhere, "That maybe we could.... I don't know.... sneak off to the costume closet....and.... have a little fun?" She asked and squealed as I had already grabbed her hand and was pulling her in the said direction. She was chuckling to herself too.

I pulled her all the way to the music room, into the costume closet, closing the door and pushing her up against the cold wall, and connecting our lips. After Emily and Hunter, and then Riley and I, and then somehow Margie too, had all gotten locked in the costume closet on account of the door closing, Kate finally had enough and put a two way handle on it. Good thing too.

Riley moaned softly against my lips as my hands wrapped down behind her on her lower back and my finger tips were at the waist band of her shorts. Her arms wrapped behind my neck as we kissed deeply and slowly for several minutes, until my hands grasped the material of her blue top and slowly pulled it up and over her head, throwing it to the floor. Then pushed her back up against the wall and wrapping my arms around her again, as I continued to kiss her, slowly becoming rougher and more passionate kisses. Riley's breathing was becoming heavier with each kiss. Ever so sneakily, I slipped my hand into her shorts from behind and began to slid then down. I pulled away from Riley for a moment to push them all the way off. Then stood back up again. She smirked, just leaning against the wall on her black and white sports bra and her black lace thong with a smirk on her face. I smiled at her and pulled off my shirt, revealing to her, my abs. The full toned six pack that nearly 14 years of dance had given me. I could she the fire in Riley's eyes as her swallowed hard, staring at my six pack. Nothing she hadn't seen before, but it still took her aback every time. I chuckled,

"Riley it's rude to stare," I joked. She looked me in the eyes and blushed.

"But you're just so damn hot. It's hard not to. With or without clothes on," she said cheekily. I laughed and pulled her close again. The two of us stand in the middle of the floor. I had one hand on Riley's bare back and the other hand reached up behind her head and pulled her hair free of its pony tail. God, did she ever look hot with her hair down. She was nearly irresistible now. Ri smiled and we locked out lips together again. She started to kiss me deeply, almost instantly. I felt her run her small soft hands down my chest and abs, then finally reach the waistband of my sweatpants. I felt her hand stop there, thinking she was gong to slip that tiny little hand into my pants and maybe get her mouth around me, but instead after a moment of hesitation, her hand moved a little bit further down and she cupped her hand over the growing bulge in my sweats. I groaned, trying not to pulled completely away from Riley's lips. She sighed to herself as her lips left mine and her hand gave a little squeeze through my pants. Then she moved it and backed up slowly to the wall, smiling at me seductively as she not the tip of her right index finger even so slightly and just as seductively, slid down the cool, smooth wall. I watched her go right down the floor until she was basically crouching with her legs open. I grinned at her, recognizing the signal she was giving and walked up to her, kneeling in front of her.

"Hey baby," I said with a cheesy grin. She giggled and blushed, sliding into my lap and straddling me as I knelt. We continued to kiss as she had her body right up against mine. Face to face, chest to chest, and lap to lap. She was rocking her hips slightly, causing her to grind against my hard on through my sweats. I held her warm, almost bare body close, and started to kiss her neck, sucking and nipping at the soft, delicate flesh, making her moan ever so quietly, and eventually leaving a noticeable purplish/red hickey. I pulled my lips from Riley's neck and started to kiss down her shoulder, then across to the front of her neck and her chest. I grinned, pulling off her sports bra and letting her perfect C-cup sized breasts fall in front of my. She smirked at me and leaned back slightly, tipping her head back and closing her eyes. I smiled and leaned into her chest, crashing my lips to her nipples and sucking even more furiously than I had on her neck. Riley moaned loudly and then squealed in surprise as I bit fairly hard.

"Oh god James," she moaned, "Baby that feels good. Harder, please. Bite me harder," she asked loudly. I smiled,

"As you wish," I replied and reattached my mouth to her breast, and sucked for a moment before glancing up and her face and bit down harder. Hard enough to leave a tooth mark when I pulled my lips away. Then I slowly laid Riley down on the floor and crawled on top of her, hovering above her naked body, holding my self up with one arm. Riley looked up at me with those eyes she always gave me.

"Make me feel good James. Make me feel good the way you always do," she begged sweetly. I knew what that meant. Oral. I mean Riley and I had never HAD sex before. But we were no strangers to getting naked and pleasuring each other. I knew that when Riley was ready, she'd tell me. I smiled at Riley, lowering my lips to her chest and kissing my way down to her underwear, then slid them down, off her body, and spread her legs. Her breathing hitched and then became deep and heavy as I slowly began to at her out. She moaned loudly. "Oh god James, oh god that feels amazing!" She cried out as I sucked and licked furiously at her clit. She moaned and started to claw at the floor with her fingers.....

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"James? Riley? Are you guys in there?" Kate's voice called through the door. I pulled away from Riley, who sat up quickly.

"Give us a minute Kate!" Riley yelled, reaching for her clothes and throwing them in as fast as she could. I did too.

Once dressed, Riley sheepishly opened the door to Kate, who's hands were on her hips and had an unimpressed look on her face.

"Don't make me regret not putting a lock on that door. Please," she said to Riley and I.

"Sorry Miss Kate," we both said. She sighed.

"It's fine... Now scamper off. It's late and we have early rehearsals tomorrow," she said and Riley and I grabbed our bags and left,

"We'll do that another time," Riley said to me as we left the studio....

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