Chapter 28: The Interview

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James's POV

Riley sucked and pumped nearly three full loads from me. Swallowing all of it. My balls felt drained, my shaft was tingling and was a bright red from all of Riley's hard sucking. She had basically blown me raw.

I groaned as Riley finished cleaning me off, cum dripping down my thighs, her hands, and her chin. She looked up at me, licking her lips.

"That was so good," she breathed after one last swallow. I wasn't even looking at her. I was just in such a blissful and exhausted state that I couldn't even lift my head. "Mmmm, I'll never get enough of that," she moaned as she pulled herself up onto my lap, straddling my lap. I was still exhausted, as Ri started kissing my neck, moaning as she ground her pelvic bone into me. "Do you feel better now baby?" She asked, "No more pain?"

"God Riley, you drained my balls and sucked my cock raw. I'm definitely good now, but it could be a few days before we're back at it," I chuckled with a heavy exhale. She smirked. Then snuggled into me. I weakly wrapped my arms around her. "I love you Ri," I whispered as I softly kissed her cheek....

Kate's POV

I stood in the dressing rooms earning against the wall, biting my bottom lip, staring at the kids. They were all so lost right now. The eerie silence filled the room.

"This is all our fault," Cierra said, breaking the silence. I looked at her. "If we hadn't made fun of Riley, she wouldn't have left and James wouldn't have gone after her, and we wouldn't be in this mess,"

I hated to admit it, but she was right.

"Em what did James say last night before he disappeared?" Giselle asked. But Emily sat quiet.

"Read the note again Kate," Stephanie said. I sighed, pulling out the note o hate found in my purse this morning when I went to get my wallet, so I'd remember to take my ID for internationals so they'd let us in, but I found the note first, instead.

"Kate, hopefully by the time you find this I'll already be back home. I don't want anyone trying to stop me. I'm going after Riley. I'm not going to let her be alone and upset for the next three days after what you all did to her. I mean it when I say this, Riley means a hell of a lot more to me than the team or internationals does. I'm sorry I left, but I had to. But you'll be fine without us. No sweat. See you when you get home. Hope you guys win, we'll be cheering you on.

Don't even worry about it,

I finished reading and folded the note again, A-Troupe all staring at me.

"Did we really hurt her that bad?" Michelle asked. Emily looked up.

"Yeah we tease her about James and her all the time. She always laughs about it," West said.

"Guys," Emily spoke up, "I think we did a lot more damage than we realize...." She said slowly, "I mean we were teasing her about her sex life-"

"But we teased her about that all the time too. She always waved her hands and rolled her eyes, then laughed," Eldon cut her off.

"You don't realize what what you did, do you?" Em said. Eldon shrugged, "Yeah sure, maybe if her and James were married and had a few kids and you teased them about that stuff, it wouldn't have bothered her.... But you guys, we made fun of her first time... that was supposed to be special for her and James," Em finished. I gasped, as well did many others. I can't believe I let the kids, and myself and my sister laugh at Riley about that. Em was right. That was supposed to be special. And we made fun of it.

I folded the note, looking back at the kids. And now because of us, Riley left A-Troupe.....

Riley's POV

I snuggled up to James, turning the tv to the channel broadcasting Internationals. After we had our fun, and made breakfast. Although to be honest I didn't really need it. I mean I had just finished swallowing three loads of cum.

I smiled at James, and he kissed my neck softly and slowly while I watched the host of the show talk about the semi finals teams. A picture of The team and up on the screen and I perked up slightly, listening.....

"Well Chuck, things might get interesting today. We found out that the Canadian studio, The Next Step, has been thrown for a loop hole of their own. Apparently two of the teams dancers have gone abroad and disappeared. Yes, we over heard that a couple, well known from both the studio, and it's entire region, have gone home. Both of them up and left according to the studio owner and instructor, Miss Kate. We interviewed her and the team earlier this morning and here's what she had to say....." The lady beside Chuck said and an interview with Kate, Phoebe, and the team played.

"So Kate I couldn't help but notice that you only have ten team members with you. Where are your two alternates?" The lady doing the interview asked. Kate looked around kinda nervously.

"Well actually our two alternates are... being thrown in last minute. There was a....personal issue... yesterday and two of our dancers left. One early in the morning, the other late last night. I didn't know about the departure of either until it was too late," Kate said shakily to the interviewer.

"Wow, so you guys have been thrown quite the curve ball. Any insight on how you'll be dealing with it?"

"We'll figure it out. But for now we have no other choice but our alternates. But we'll make it work," Kate explained, then she turned to the camera, "Riley, James, I know you're both watching this and we're sorry. Even though I'm disappointed in both of you, were all sorry," she added, talking to James and I. I gulped. I noticed a few of A-Troupe was looking at the camera, like they knew I was on the other side too, watching. I looked away.

"Well...words of courage and forgiveness?... coming from the Canadian team. Well good luck to you all.... And now back to you Chuck," the woman said and the screen cut back to the announcers box.

"Riley?" James's voice startled me out of my daze. I looked at him, staring into those brown eyes, "I can turn it off if you want?" James offered. I whimpered, tears forming in my eyes as I nodded, burying my face in his chest. The guilt of leaving them was starting to hit me....

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