Chapter 18: Eating Out

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Riley's POV

After packing up and heading back to the house, all of us got ready for the dinner that Kate was taking us all out to. It was at this fancy restaurant downtown so it was a semi-formal thing. I had showered, done my hair and make up, and picked out my clothes. A blue dress that fell near my knees. It had a v-neckline and about 2 inch wide straps. And I had on matching dark blue heels. I loosely curled my hair and brushed it over to mainly one side.

I smiled in the mirror as I fixed my dress. Then I saw James in the mirror, smiling behind me. I turned to face him. He was in an all black semi-formal. Black button up shirt and black dress pants. He had styled his hair in quite a sexy way too.

"Hey gorgeous," he said with a smile, "Ready to go? Kate's waiting outside,"

I nodded, as I took his arm holding onto it. He was such a gentleman so sometimes. I smiled to myself as James and I walked out of the house to the bus and the group. Everyone turned as we approached. I noticed nearly everyone's jaws drop.

"Woah! You guys look amazing!" Giselle said. I blushed.

James's POV

"Holy crap! James, over doing the sexiness for Ri maybe just a little?" Cierra asked as she slightly smiled at me. I half chuckled knowing she was joking, but felt Riley's grip on my arm tighten. I saw out of the corner of my eye that she narrowed her eyes briefly at Cierra.

"You're so sexy when you're jealous," I whispered in Riley's ear. She looked at me.

"Shut up," she mumbled and I chuckled to myself again. So jealous...

"Alright guys, on the bus and we're heading out for supper," Kate said gesturing towards the bus. We all climbed on and the bus pulled out.

Riley's POV

As the bus pulled up outside the restaurant you could tell that Trittany feels guys were already way to excited for dinner. Kate led us all inside the Latina themed restaurant. As we took our seats our waiter came around. He was tall, built, probably around 20. I looked around the table, all of the girls were drooling over him. Thalia too, even though Eldon was sitting literally next to her. I glanced at Emily, who was in a slight daze and had a smile on her face. I looked at the waiter again, completely ignoring the usual words waiters say. You know, the "hi my name is whatever, and I'll be your serve for today. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" You know, that stuff.... But I have to admit, he was pretty cute...

"-Riley?!" A voice snapped me out of my daze, "Riley he asked you a question," Kate said. I realized the waiter was standing to my said.

"What can I get you?" He asked, probably for a second or third time.

"Oh I uh I'll have um red wine," I stuttered. The waiter wrote that down and looks at James.

"And you?" He asked James. I felt James's arms around my waist tighten.

"Ice tea," James said calmly. Then he looked at me and I gave him a slight smile....


Half an hour later our food was brought out. West, Max, Eldon, and James all practically dug into their food before it was even on the table. Kate and Phoebe were laughing. I chuckled to myself watching James devour his steak while I dug slowly into my oven baked pasta.....


One dinner had finished all of A-Troupe was casually talking when Kate and Phoebe stood up and Kate tapped her glass with her knife. All of the team quieted their chatter and looked up at Kate. She smiled.

"Guys I just wanted to start by saying how proud I am of you. You guys have worked so hard and I'm so proud of the three... Well, technically four wins, that's we've claimed," Kate began. I felt James's hand rest on my lap. I glanced at him as he slowly and inconspicuously started to rub my thigh, under my dress, under the table cloth. I exhaled deeply, trying to focus on Kate's speech again. "Both small groups did amazing, even despite all the struggle it took to perfect them. Giselle you did incredible during you're solo. I mean if it wasn't for Sweden's soloist stumbling, It would have been so close. And even if you didn't win we'd still love you just as much and still be proud of you. And James and Riley..." Kate said and both of us looked up at her with a smile. James moved his hand up my leg and grazed my panties. I inhaled sharply. "...We are so proud of you and all so grateful for saving us from elimination," Kate continued. I inhaled again as James slipped his finger into my panties and grazed my skin.

"Stop," I whispered/ breathed so only he could hear. But he did. My heart started racing. What if we got caught?

"....and James get your hand out from beneath the table," Kate added casually and my eyes looked up at her. James's hand stopped moving. Wait- how did she-...

"How did you-?" James said and Kate rolled her eyes,

"Because Riley's starting to sweat and is turning a bright shade of red," Kate said with her hands on her hips. I gulped, cleared my throat, standing up.

"Um, thank you for dinner Kate, it was a nice treat... But I think I'm going to take a cab back to the house.... I-...uh... I'm kinda tired," I said, taking my purse and walking away....

Kate's POV

I watched as Riley walked off. Was it something said? James stood up,

"Well, I think I'm gonna get an early night in. Thanks for dinner Kate," he said and went after Riley. That's when it hit me. They weren't tired at all.... I sighed. Only Jiley. I sat down and shook my head. Oh boy. It was only a matter of time before he got her pregnant.....

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