Chapter 15: The Competition Starts

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James's POV

The next morning we were up early. Rehearsals started at 7am and the competition started at 9am. We had to get up, eat, get cleaned up, take the bus to the venue, find our change room, set up, warm up, and then rehearse.

It was 8:15 right now. The team was waiting for Kate to get our music set up so we could run through our routine in our dressing room once or twice. Our routine was one of the first ones of the day.

I was standing off to the side, leaning against the wall with Riley in my arms, her leaning against me, her head on my chest. I had my eyes on Noah. I had no trust in him whatsoever after his two stunts he's pulled. I was lucky too, after the fact that I had punched him in the face for kissing Riley. Luckily it hadn't bruised. But he was complaining it was sore. Baby.

Riley looked up at me and reached up, kissing my cheek softly.

"What was that for?" I asked her quietly. She smiled.

"Just nothing and everything at the same time. But mostly for last night," she smiled. I grinned too. After eating and cleaning up for bed, I skipped the movie with the boys to return to Riley what she had done to me and fingered her, making her moan and squirm until she had another explosive g-spot orgasm. She said they just kept getting better. I just was kinda hoping that maybe soon we could have our first time. Because I know she'll enjoy it.

"Already. Positions guys. We have half an hour to run through both of the small groups, which are both today," Kate said as she started the small group music.

We ran through both of them. The group with Max, West, Giselle, Riley, and I. And then the one with Riley, Stephanie, Giselle, Cierra, and Noah. I had my eyes on Noah the whole time, watching his hands any time he was near Riley.

After rehearsals we started to get ready for the first small group with West and Max. I watched as Ri was facing the wall, slipping her costume on. I smirked to myself and snuck up behind her, wrapping my arms around her lower waist, making her moan.

"James I've gotta get ready," she moaned as I kissed the side of her neck.

"Come on baby, lets slip into the washroom and take a few minutes. A-Troupe won't even miss us," I whispered in her ear softly. She exhaled deeply, pulling her costume on and stepping away from me.

"Later James. I promise," she said. I smiled.

"Ok," I said and returned to changing....


We were in the wings, our group was up next. The five of us stood, watching the group we would be going up against. I had my arms around Riley, as she was resting her head against my chest, trying to relax.

"Nervous baby?" I asked her. She nodded slightly.

"A little," she mumbled against my shirt.

"And now, competing against the Australian Team, representing the Canadian Team, The Next Step!" The announcer said and Riley let go of me, turning as we took to the stage....


As we ran off the stage, huffing and puffing, but cheering because we had won against Australia, Riley hugged me tight, giving me a kiss on the cheek and then hugged everyone else. I hugged my bro's and then A-Troupe all went back to the dressing room. The second small group wasn't until the end of the bracket. So we had well over an hour. On the walk back I had my arm around Riley's lower back, my hand resting on her ass. We were at the front of the group so all the guys could see she was mine. As we all piled in to the dressing room, Kate closed the door and I sat down in a chair, with Ri on my lap, my hand on her thigh.

"Alright. So congrats guys. I'm proud of you. The next small group is up hour and fifteen minutes. So you guys can do whatever you like for that time. Riley, Giselle, Cierra, Stephanie, and Noah I want you all to be here and ready half a hour before your dance. Ok?" Kate explained. The five of them nodded....

Eldon's POV

As Kate left, James scooped Riley up in his arms, her giggling as he whispered something, probably dirty, in her ear and she blushed. He carried her out the door. I rolled my eyes looking at Thalia, who was sitting across from me.

"Where are they going?" She asked, her eyes still on the door that they walked out of. I half sighed.

"Pft, probably to find a closet or something to pleasure her in," I said, turning my attention to my phone.

"Wait what?!" Thalia said, a bit surprised.

"That's all they've been doing since we've got here. Every night I swear to god they're locked in the bedroom and all we hear is Riley's moans and James's groans coming down from the bedroom," I told her. She furrowed her eyebrow.

"Actually?" She asked. I nodded. She looked a bit grossed out.

"That's.....kinda gross. I mean they could at least be a bit quieter," she said. I nodded.

"Couldn't agree more,"


Riley's POV

James had me against the wall, his hands cupping both my breasts and massaging them as he was kissing me hard. My heart rate was racing and my breathing was heavy. James's hand left my chest and slid down my sides, slipping into my tight black pants and sliding them down. Then he slipped my black thong down and I stepped out of it. He knelt in front of me, kissing down my stomach and abdomen, before his lips and tongue found my clit. I moaned loudly, pressing my back hard against the wall, trying not to let my legs give out from under me.

"Oh god James!" I cried from the pleasure as he sucked hard on my little bud. I closed my eyes, clawing at the wall. He moaned into me and I let out a long staggered breath. Oh god he was sucking on it so hard right now. His hands held my hips and thighs as his mouth worked. Then he ran one and slowly down the outside of my thigh, stopped at my knee and then ran it back up the inside. That's when my breathing hitched and two of his big fingers slipped inside my already wet folds. I moaned, biting my bottom lip as he pumped his fingers, making them graze my g-spot. Finally after a few minutes James stood up, still fingering me and connected our lips, hungrily kissing me.

"Oh Ri baby, you're real tight around my fingers," he said against my lips. I smirked and used my pelvic muscles to clamp down on his fingers. "Oh... Being a bad girl, now are we?" He said slyly and bit the side of my neck gently, making me relax my pelvic floor and he fingered me furiously, making me almost scream from the pleasure.

"James.....James," I breathed, "'re gonna m-make me squirt again," I breathed out, feeling that sensation starting to bubble through me. James lowered his mouth to my ear and started nibbling it gently. I groaned, throwing my head back and right before I broke, he stopped, pulling his fingers out of me and slyly cleaning his fingers off in his mouth. I stood there, trying to catch my breath and recollect myself, in some attempt to grip the flat wall, before my legs gave out. James bent down and picked up my clothes, handing them to me. He smirked, giving me a quick peck on the lips, before grasping the door handle.

"Better go her ready Ri. You're small group is 45 minutes," he said slyly and slipped out of the room, leaving me standing there, naked from thee waist down, on the verge of an orgasm, and completely disheveled. He was so gonna get it....

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