Chapter 14: In Trouble

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Riley's POV

I pushed Noah away from me. His lips had only been on mine for a few seconds.

"What the hell Noah!!?" I snapped at him. He looked a bit stunned that I had pushed him away so forcefully.

"Awe come on Riles," he said as I pushed past him and ran up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door and locking it from the inside. I sat down on the bed and wiped away my tears, pulling out my notebook....

James's POV

"Yo bro that was pretty sick how you just showed that guy up with that flip," West said to Max, who had literally just been in a street dance battle with some guy who was "dancing" for change. Do Max one up-ed him. It was priceless to see that guys face as we walked away laughing.

I opened the door to the house and it was quiet. But the lights were on. So I knew Noah must have made it home. I walked through the house and Noah was sitting watching some tv show in the living room.

"Yo guys I'm gonna go shower and clean up. Wanna watch a movie later?" I asked the guys. The all nodded and I rushed up the stairs. I went to open the bedroom door and it was locked. I jiggled the handle. Why was it-?

"GO AWAY NOAH!" Riley yelled from inside. I furrowed my brow.

"Riley?! It's James. Can you open the door sweetheart?" I asked and there was silence. Then a click and I opened the door. Riley was walking away from me and had her head down. I was confused as I closed the door. "Riley? What's going on? Why was the door locked?" I asked. She stopped in the middle of the room and was quiet. "Ri?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist and holding her close. That's when I heard her sniffle. "Hun, what's going on? Why are you crying baby?" I asked her softly.

"N-no-ah.... N-Noah k-kissed m-me," she stuttered and cried. I turned her in my arms sharply and made her look at me.

"What?!" I said, shocked. But more so furious. She whimpered and fell down, sitting on the bed.

"I'm sorry," she cried, "I should have pulled away," she kept blubbering like a child. I pulled her into my arms.

"You said he kissed you though," I said, looking down at her.

"H-he did but-"

"No 'if's', 'and's', or 'buts' Riley. He kissed you even after I told him to kept his hands off you," I said angrily. I let go of her.

"Where are you going?" She asked, tears still in her eyes.

"I'll be back," I said with a snarl to my tone and slammed the door as I left.....
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" I yelled as I smashed Noah up against the wall, my fist holding tight on the front of his shirt, "YOU KISSED RILEY?!!" I screamed, fury coursing through me.

"Woah man she liked it," he said, trying to get out of my hold. But there was no chance of that happening.

"OH SPOUT ME SOME MORE BULLSHIT!! She's upstairs right now crying!!!" I yelled again, "I told you to keep your hands off of her!!"

"Well technically it wasn't my hands so-"

"You know what, I'm sick of you! You have a girlfriend! So keep your stupid, cheating, lying face away from mine!" I spat at him and then let my fist fly before storming back up to my bedroom....

Riley's POV

All I heard was a bunch of yelling, mostly from James and then suddenly the door flew open and slammed closed again as James stormed in, anger all over his face as his eyes met mine. But then his expression softened slightly. He walked over to me and semi-forcefully pushed me onto my back and smashed his lips to mine, kissing me hard as he crawled on top of me. I moaned against his lips.

"'re....oh..god... you're you're mad," I said in between his hot, forceful, kisses.

"You're mine," he mumbled against my lips, and then his mouth started to wander to my neck, "ok baby?" He added before sealing his mouth to my neck and sucking and kissing it. No doubt that there'd be a hickey there later.

"Oh god James....oh god baby I love it when you're rough," I moaned loudly. He smiled against my neck and kissed down my chest, pulling my shirt up and moving my bra out of the way before sucking and nipping at my nipples, making me squeal from the pleasure. His one hand slipped into my shorts and started rubbing hard circles on my clit with his middle finger, making me throw my head back and arch my back off the bed. Finally I couldn't take it any longer and I cracked. "Oh fuck! Finger me James, please!" I cried out and he did almost immediately, slipping two fingers into me and pumping hard, making that same motion he had last night. I could feel his bulge through his jeans, pressing against me, and reached between us, undoing his jeans and pushing them down, along with his boxers. His already hard member hand my hand wrapped around it instantly and he groaned, pulling his fingers from me and rolling us over so I was on top. I smirked down at him.

"Come on Ri, please," he begged, looking up at me and panting, "I've been hard all day since you walked out in those sexy shorts. It aches already. Please just do something to me," he added. I smiled slightly and gave him soft strokes with my hand around his shaft. He groaned loudly, biting his lip and closing his eyes. I crawled down his body until I was almost on the floor and his cock was at my face. I inhaled deeply and took him in my mouth, sucking furiously, making him moan.

"Mmmmm," I moaned around his shaft. The vibrations from it driving him crazy. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh fuck Riley! This load isn't gonna last long!" He groaned and I just sucked harder, involving my tongue and using one hand to play with his balls. Something I heard that all guys love. And I was right. James kept groaning loudly and suddenly, without anything other than a "oh jesus! Fuck!", James pumped a load down my throat. I could barely swallow it all. I pulled my head up near the end and got a shot in the chin. I swallowed what I could as James let out a heavy breath and completely collapsed back. I sat there, kneeling with his now limp cock near my face, as I swallowed everything in every crevice of my mouth and wiped my chin and the corners of my mouth on my palm.

"Holy fuck that was a lot," I mumbled with a heavy exhale and looked at James. He was panting, staring up at the ceiling. I smiled and crawled up beside him, nuzzling my face to his chest. His one arm weakly wrapped around me as I gently was stroking his limp cock.

"I'm surprised you didn't choke," James said once he had caught his breath. I smirked.

"You can try, but itI'll be near impossible," I grinned. He chuckled.

"So do you want me to do the same to you? It do you want dinner?" James asked. I felt my stomach growl. Clearly everything James had shot down my throat wasn't enough to satisfy my belly.

"I think I want dinner, but I wouldn't mind you eat my out," I said. James chuckled.

"How 'bout we get some supper, and then we can finish up?" he suggested and I nodded, fixing my clothes And cleaning up my hands and face in the bathroom before quietly going down stairs with James behind me.

I entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out some of the food Em had gotten earlier. I decided on just a turkey sandwich. The boys, who were state in the living room, heard me and leaned in their seats, peering into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Eldon asked, kinda shakily. I stopped, looking up.

"I'm making my self something to eat. I'm hungry," I stated. Could he not see that?

"What?! You didn't get enough from your boyfriends cum to satisfy you?" Noah asked in a snippy tone, his back turned to me. I dropped the piece of bread in my hand and looked at then all. That's when it hit me.... they heard us.

"You heard all that huh?" I asked, kinda embarrassed. They all nodded. I face palmed myself. James wrapped his arms around me made the rest of my sandwich for me, and ushered me past the boys and up the stairs back to our room.

"Fuck. You." James said in a normal tone to the guys as we passed. I slightly smiled to myself. But it was still kinda embarrassing.....

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