Chapter 25: Don't Get Caught

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Riley's POV

I had been in the air for only two hours. I was in the furthest seat in, closest to the window, but the blind was down. I was the only one in my row. I still hated flying and I wish James was here. I sighed, looking down at my phone, all the missed messages and calls I couldn't (and didn't want to) answer because I didn't have the international package on my phone. More messages poured in. Most of them from James. But some from the team. I didn't care about it. Maybe I'd call James later. But for now I had to tough out my flight without him.

James's POV

I laid in the empty bedroom that Riley and I had shared. The bed was still I made but the sweet smell of her body still clung to the sheet. I sighed, then breathed in her scent. I couldn't believe she had left. And it was all the teams fault. They had made fun of her vocals that they had heard this morning. I can't believe they would even do that. They didn't understand how special what Riley and I had done was. I missed her embrace already. Her smile, her presence, her sweet voice. And she was gone. On the way back home. I looked down at Riley's pin that I had pinned to my sleeve of my uniform. I sighed, leaving the room. It was only depressing me more that Riley was gone. I decide I needed to talk to Emily about this. She was Riley's sister after all.

As I walked downstairs I heard the boys chattering in the living room.

"It was funny bro. The way Ri screamed. And kinda hot too-"

"Shut up!!" I screamed, cutting Eldon off. All the boys turn at looked at me, shocked.

"IF I hear...another word... about Riley's cries.... I swear to god... I'll wring you're god damn neck like a wounded duck!" I seethed angrily, through gritted teeth. Then walked out, slamming the door loudly and hard, storming over to the girls place.

Emily's POV

All of us girls were sitting quietly around the living room, somewhat moping, and feeling bad and guilt about what we had done. no one was really saying anything.

Then there was a loud, rapid knock on the door at 5:30. Cierra jumped up to get it.

"James, uh, come in... I guess," I heard Cie say and then James walked into the living room, Cierra several steps behind him.

"Em, can we talk?" He asked, "Privately?"

I nodded, standing up and limping after him to the back bedroom, out of earshot of the girls. James closed the door as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I have a feeling this is about Riley," I suggested. James sighed and sat in the bed, a few feet from me. "Look James," I told him, "I wish I could get a hold of Riley. Talk, text, anything. But I can't. We don't have international packages on our phones. It's like a dollar to send a text. I'm worried about her too but I have too wait for her to text me and tell me she's ok," I said.

"Why can't you go after her?" James asked, clearly desperate.

"I'm not 18 James. I can't leave without Kate's consent," I told him.

"Em neither can I. But if k go then I'm abandoning the team and they'd have to use an alternate. If you go, it's just you going home," he said. I sighed.

"James I'm worried about Riley, but I'm not stealing my return ticket. Do you know how much trouble I'll get in," I told him. He grunted in frustration and stood up.

"Fine! If you don't care about her then I'm going after her!" He shouted and turned to leave.

"You're gonna abandon your team when they need you the most?" I asked, stopping him at the door. He glanced back at me.

"I care a hell of a lot more about Riley than I do about this team. If I'm choosing, then it's Riley I'm going after," he said and slammed the bedroom door.

"Just don't get caught James," I said to no one as I heard the front door slam.

James's POV

Emily was no help, so I stormed back home, where the boys were still in the living room. I needed to steal my return ticket from Kate's place. But I needed a diversion. I quickly thought of a plan. I ran up to my room, quickly throwing everything in my bag, and carefully dropping it out the window onto the grass. Then ran downstairs, to where the guys were. They all looked at me.

"Yo Max? You have an international plan on your phone right?" I asked. He nodded.

"Do you mind if I try to text Riley? My international plan contract ended yesterday," I lied. He nodded and handed me his phone. I opened it, texting Riley. Then, while the boys were distracted by the show on the tv. I texted Thalia's number. Then went back to Max's messages. "Yo thanks bro, but uh... What's going on with you and Thalia?" I asked, which immediately go Eldon's attention.

"What?" Both Max and Eldon asked at the same time.

"It says "hey cutie, wanna hang after semi's?", " I read the text I send Thalia. Eldon snarled at Max.

"Dude?! You're wheeling my girlfriend?!!" Eldon snarled and jumped up, taking the phone from my hand and reading it for a moment before tackling Max to the ground. I stood there, and after a minute I knew it wasn't letting up any time soon, so I slipped out, running to Kate's. I burst in the door and Kate looked at me, shocked.

"James what's with the rush?" She asked. I was gasping for air, fake...

"It's Eldon and Max. They're fighting and we can't break them up," I told her.

"What?!" Kate asked. I nodded. Both her and Phoebe jumped up and ran out, thankfully leaving me behind. I quickly started digging through Kate's purse, finding the envelope with the return tickets in them, taking mine. I left a note to Kate, explaining that I had to go after Riley and that I was sorry for leaving, and then I rushed out.

I picked up my bag from under my window, and ran to the bus stop, and taking the bus to the airport....

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