Chapter 20: I'm Yours

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Riley's POV

"James wait," I said as he leaned in to kiss me. He pulled back and looked down at me,

"What's wrong?" He asked. I close my eyes and took a deep breath then looked back up at him.

"This is a really stupid question, but.... Which one of us is gonna be safe?" I asked, a bit embarrassed. James tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Well.....are you on birth control?" He asked. I shook my head. I should have been. I knew this was coming.

"No," I whispered. James sighed.

"Riles, I had no idea you wanted this tonight. Had I known... I would have bought protection," he said, a little quieter. I gulped.

"I-... I have a....pack of morning after pills.... but its just risky...." I said to him, "What if they don't work?" I asked.

"Ri, they'll work, don't worry. That's what they're meant for," James said, and leaned down, kissing my forehead, "Now that we have that sorted...." he began, kissing down my neck, "....let me please you...." he said and started kissing and sucking my neck again.

"Ok..." I breathed, giving in. He smiled against my neck, teasing me a little more. Kissing and sucking my neck and chest, rubbing my clit and fingering me a little more. But god I couldn't stand to wait any longer. I gently reached my hand down and wrapped my hand gently around his shaft. He inhaled sharply and gasped.

"Oh Riles," he groaned, biting his lip and claim his eyes.

"Put it in me James. Please," I said. He nodded and snuck his hand down, taking over for my hand. He held himself as he ran the head of his cock along my slit, making me bit my bottom lip and then he slipped the head into me, and I inhaled deeply. "Oh god baby," I breathed, "go all the way James," I said in an exhale. He leaned in and kissed my neck, as he pushed into me further. His thick member filled my tight hole, as his entire length was coated with my body's natural lubricant. James filled me completely. It was like we were meant to fit together. I could feel the head of him just graze up against what I knew was my cervix. Having him inside me was bliss, but there was this pressure growing now. And I needed more, "James...y-you have to move... please," I begged with my head against the mattress and my hands grasping at his back. He leaned down and kept kidding my neck, as he started to thrust slowly, on then out of me. My muscles slowly loosening, making it easier for him to thrust. I started moaning from the pleasure. His hot, thick, wet member bushing against my g-spot with every thrust. Put this time it didn't feel the same as when his fingers did it. It was not a sensation in just my g-spot. This was coursed through my entire core.

James pulled his lips off my neck and held himself above me as he started thrusting even fast, taking it to a medium speed, an grunting slightly. I moaned loudly.

James's POV

"Oh god James that feels so good! Oh baby! Yes! Oh fucking god yes! Faster James please," Riley's started crying out as I worked her pussy hard with my cock. I smiled down at her as she closed her eyes and threw her head back, when I started pumping my cock into her faster. Ri was whimpering from the pleasure I was giving her. I glanced down and watched for a minute as I slid in and out of her rapidly. My breathing was getting extremely heavy and my hips were starting to ache a little from the thrusting. I was trying to get Riley to orgasm soon but still make this long and pleasurable. I looked back up at her pleasure filled expression as I continued to fuck her tight hole, mid thrust I readjusted myself and angled up more and I think that's what hit it because Riley whimper loudly and let out a staggered gasp. The as she took a very large inhale and exhale her walls tightened around my member and I tried hard to keep thrusting as I knew Riley was on the literal verge if exploding inside. A little slight more angle and that was enough to send her over the edge. "Oh god James I'm cumming!!" Ri screamed out lustfully as she squeezed her eyes closed and clawed at anything she could get her hands on. I felt it, her orgasm, as her juices exploded inside her and swirled around my cock, making me groan. I thrusted slightly as Riley rode out her orgasm on me, her muscles squeezing my shaft. As she came down slowly from her orgasmic peak I started thrusting again and I felt immediately that I was gonna lose it.

"Ah shit Riley! I'm gonna let go! I can't hold on!" I grunted loudly and I lost control, cumming hard inside her. My pelvic muscle contracting again and again, shouting my hot jets of seed into her. Finally after two or three dozen muscle spasms my body was drained of energy and I collapsed on Riley.

Riley's POV

I wrapped my weak arms around James, comforting him. He was completely drained. I'm sure he's never cum that hard or long before. At least with him toying with me for the past few weeks, I've been getting used to it. When he had cum I was still coming down from my high and his orgasm inside me just added to everything I was already feeling. It was amazing. And in glad it was with him. I laid there, staring up at the ceiling, feeling so good. I was trying to slow my breathing as I felt mine and James's cocktail of juices dribbling slightly out of me and across the inside of my thighs. It was hot, sticky, and it felt amazing. I glance at the top if James's head and felt him kissing and suckling gently and with little effort, on my bare chest.

"I love you Riley," he mumbled against my skin. I smiled slightly.

"I love you too James," I said, before the two if us fell into a peaceful, satisfied sleep....

AN: sorry it's new four days since my last update but I have writers block and it's hard to write a good chapter with that. And I'd appreciate it if you guys would use the comments for feed back instead of asking a hundred times to update. I'll update when I update.

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