Chapter 30: Epilogue

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Sorry guys, this is the end due to mostly loss of interest, but don't worry, I'm working out details of the beginning stages of my 11th publishing.

James's POV

1 week later...

In the end, Riley dropped A-Troupe. It was a long talk with her, and her parents and sister at her place. We all talked for hours, trying to understand why this one incident was so traumatizing and upsetting that she wanted to drop dance. It was her passion. We tried and tried but Riley refused to go back. That night after we had spent the evening at my place, alone in my room, Riley had told me the other reason why she had wanted to leave A-Troupe. She was pregnant....

"Almost two weeks," she had mentioned. I was both happy and scared. But I would be there for her. So I left dance to to stand by her for every minute during her pregnancy.

"James?" Riley asked, looking up at me as we were watching a tv show, while I was playing with her hair.

"Yeah babe?" I asked, in wonder.

"I love you," she smiled. I beamed at her.

"I love you too Riley," I said, leaning down and kissing her, "I love you so much," I said and we turned back to the tv.

Things were tough, but with Riley, try were possible....


Sorry guys but it's kind of a crappy ending. But don't worry. I'll try to start a new Trittany or Jiley book soon.

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