Chapter 21: DON'T TOUCH IT!!!

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Riley's POV

I woke up to the light peering through the gap on the middle of the curtain. I felt an arm draped across my bare side, and the quilt covering my naked body. I rubbed my eyes and I rolled over, facing James, who was still asleep. I smiled, running my fingers through his tousled hair. Then I leaned in and started kissing his warm bare shoulders and his neck. He moaned groggily in his sleep but didn't wake up. I sighed, and rolled back over, climbing out of bed and reaching for my bra and thong from last night. Then threw on one of James's long white dress shirts that was on the back of the chair, not bothering to do it up, and ran my fingers through my tangled to hair to fix it somewhat. I stared at myself in the vanity mirror for a minute, looking at myself. My virginity was gone. I wasn't innocent anymore. I looked at he slight bags under my eyes, then ran my hand between my thighs, feeling the dried sweat and cum residue there, before sighing to myself and quietly opening the bedroom door. I walked downstairs where I found Noah on the couch watching tv.

"Morning Riley," he said casually, not even looking at me, "James's shirt is a bit big don't you think?" He asked, turning to look at me for only a second as I stood in the kitchen doorway. Then he looked back at the TV. I crossed my arms casually and leaned against the doorframe.

"Yes, but I like it," I said cheekily. I noticed Noah not even trying to look at me. He must have learned his lesson after James socked him one good. Noah rolled his eyes at me at my reply.

Just then Eldon came out of the main floor's bathroom,

"Hey Noah I was thinking-... " Eldon was saying but was but off when he noticed me. He turned a slight shade of red. "Oh....hey...Riley..." He said slowly and awkwardly as he looked at me. I chucked to myself and turned to go into the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

"Anyone want food?" I asked as West walking in from outside and Max appeared at the bottom of the stairs. I reached for the fridge, but the boys started freaking out,

"No no no no!"



"Riley don't!!"

They all yelled a different thing. I froze just before reaching the fridge door handle and turned to them all, dropping my hands to my sides and the panicked looks left their faces.

"WHAT?!" I asked, annoyed now. I was hungry!

"Just don't..." Max said. I furrowed my brows.

"Don't touch anything!" Noah said.

"Why?" I asked, confused and angry because my tummy was grumbling.

"Because you haven't washed your hands!" West said all serious.

"So, it's just the fridge door?" I said. They all shuddered.

"We all heard what was going on last night. You touched body parts south of James's, and possibly your, waistline, and you aren't touching anything until you wash your hands!" Noah said, still clicking though TV channels. I looked at all the guys.

"Wow," I said, annoyed. And just to piss them off I grabbed the fridge door and started shuffling through all the food, making sure to touch everything while the guys stood there groaning in disgust while I smirked and chuckled to myself.

"What's going on?" A groggy voice asked from behind us. I looked up as James stood there in just his black boxers, running his fingers through his tousled hair. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my body, softly kissing my neck, as I leaned back against him and moaned, closing my eyes. "How was your night?" James asked softly against my neck, the two of us completely forgetting that the boys were right there.

"Amazing babe," I moaned as his hands wandered my body.

"What did 'ya think? Not bad for the try eh?" He said. I nodded, Turning around in his arms so he was looking down at the cleavage of my bra. I smiled.

"It was amazing James and I love you," I said reached up, kissing him softly. His hands snaked from my back to my bum, squeezing it.

"Ok that's gross! Take it t upstairs!" Max said and I pulled away from James and looked at the guys with a smirk.

"Ok," I said simply and pulled James by the hand, up the stairs and into the bedroom, closing the door......

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