Chapter 8: Midnight In Miami

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Riley's POV

We all got off the plane and got our bags in the baggage claim, and made our way to the shuttle bus that was waiting outside the airport for us. Phoebe was driving the bus to the hotel. All of A-Troupe was complaining they were tired, except for me and James, who were wide awake the entire bus ride.

A half an hour later, Phoebe stopped the bus and A-Troupe unloaded off the bus. We looked around, confused.

"Uh, Kate, where's the hotel?" I asked, confused at why we were in a roundabout lot at the end of a street, looking at a cluster of houses. Everyone looked at Kate.

"Well this time, I've decided on TimeShares instead of hotel rooms. Girls in house 11, boys in house 12, Phoebe and I in house 13. You guys are all pod enough that you can cook and clean yourselves. You don't need to be wracking up ten grand on room service and maids like at nationals. You're on you're own here. I've bought transit passes so you guys can freely explore the city," Kate explained. All of us kinda half cheered. We were kinda tired.

I turned and gave James a long kiss before going with the girls to our TimeShare.

My eyes were wide as we stepped in, it was basically a house but it was amazing. I decided that I would explore later. Right now I just wanted to unpack. I followed everyone to the bedrooms. But immediately we ran into a problem.... We were short one bed. I stood in the hallway, unsure. Maybe the couch?

"How's it going ladies?" Kate's voice said as she came the stairs, "just came to check on you,"

"Uh.... Kate, were one bed short," I said. Kate furrowed her brow,

"What?!" She said, shocked. "I thought the website said it was enough for 8,"

"What about the boys?" Giselle said, "How many do they have?"

"Well... 6 for the 4 of them," Kate said, biting her lip, "But I don't know," she said, "Riley, can I talk to you in private?" She asked, pulling me down the hallway. We stopped at the end and she looked at me, "Riley, I know what this is about. You wanna be with James, but can I trust you two to be in the same house, alone?" She asked. I bit my bottom lip. I knew the answer was no, but I really wanted to convince her so I could spend them nights here with James.

"Kate.... I'm not going to lie, it'll be hard not to be all over each other. But I'll try, I promise," I told her, folding my hands and pleading.

"....ok..." She sighed, "Come on, let's get you settled in," she said. We passed by the bedroom door and I waved devilishly to the girls.

"Wait Riley, where are you going?" Thalia asked.

"Riley will be...uh...accommodating with the boys," Kate stuttered. The girls both 'ew'ed and 'oooo'ed.

"So Jiley's gonna be sleeping together? Have fun Ri," Amanda giggled as I followed Kate out of the girls place and next door to the boys. I smiled when James opened the door,

"Riley?" What are doing here?" He asked confused. I gave him a sweet, soft smile.

"She'll be staying with you boys," Kate said, "the girls are short one bed," she added. I smiled at my boyfriend who helped take my suitcase inside. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Well I like that arrangement," James smiled, kissing my temple. I smiled. Kate looked at us.

"Listen ok," she began really seriously, "I know that recently you two have started getting physical, and I want to be able to trust you together, ok?" Kate said. Both James and I nodded, "Ok, get settled in and don't stay up too late," she said before turning and going. James closed the door and pulled me into a deep kiss, holding me close to him.

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