Chapter 23: Heard

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Here's the turning point in the book where things start to get exciting. Real actual drama....

Riley's POV

After James and I took a shower...a long, intense making out and rubbing each other wet bodies, shower... We finally got out and got cleaned up, getting dressed in our uniforms before heading downstairs for a real meal since we had skipped breakfast.

Surprisingly, there was no one here. The boys were gone. Their shoes were missing, so they weren't anywhere in the house. I threw my sneakers on and grabbed my dance bag, leaving the house with James. I looked down the block, noticing that everyone was two houses down, chatting away on Kate and Phoebe's porch. I linked hands with James and the two of us walked down the road towards A-troupe.

As we approached the front step, everyone kind of went silent. I looked around nervously, and confused.

"Well look who it is," Thalia said with a chuckle to herself, "Jiley's finally gotten out of bed,"

Kate looked at us, a look of slight anger, extreme disgust, and some confusion on her face.

"So.... How was your "early night" ?" Emily asked me, looking slightly mad as she mad the little air quotes with her fingers.

"Yeah, did you two get enough "sleep"?" Phoebe asked, her anyone a little digested and angry. I gulped, taking half a step closer to James. I saw his face out of the corner of my eye and he was smirking.

"Meh, it was ok," he shrugged half heartedly and squeezed my hand. I rolled my eyes. Guys.

"Really?" Gisselle questioned skeptically as she crossed her arms, a slight smile hidden poorly.

"Uh-...yeah, it was good," I said quietly, my cheeks starting to burn up.

"Really?" Max said. I glared at him.

"Yeah because we kinda think-...well, we know differently," Kate said, sitting back in her porch chair. There was a grin she was hiding and a laugh she was clearly trying to suppress. She looked over at the boys, as did Phoebe.

James's POV

All the boys instantly started to laugh and dramatically mock Riley.

"Oh James baby!" Max laugh/moaned.

"Deeper James! Please!" Cried out Eldon with a choked laugh in it.

"Oh fuck baby! Harder!" Noah burst out laughing.

"Oh god James that feels so good! Oh baby! Yes! Oh fucking god yes! Faster James please!" West laughed as his had tears practically running down his cheeks. Even Kate and Phoebe were laughing along, and the girls. Then Eldon hit Max's arm while laughing,

"Oh oh man and then best part!"
He said-

"OH GOD JAMES! I'M CUMMING!" all of A-Troupe cried out, mocking Riley's cry when she climaxed. And to be honest it was sexy as fuck when she did that. Then they all laughed hysterically. I even chuckled to myself, turning to look at Riley, who had an iron clutch on me, I expected her to be smiling, thinking out it. But she wasn't. She had the most hurt look on her face, her eyes darted around the group for a second, then met mine, and then back at the group for only a split second. Suddenly she let go of me, tears streaming down her face, and turned and ran. A-Troupe was to busy laughing to even notice she left.

"RILEY WAIT!" I called after her but didn't chase her. I just stood there as she ran back down the street.

"Where's she going?" Cierra asked as she had stopped laughing. I looked at the direction Riley ran, then faced the group.

"I-...I don't know..," I said, looking at her. Giselle, Thalia, Michelle, and most of the girls had stopped laughing but the boys were still there, killing themselves. Kate was even still laughing some. I looked at the boys again. "Aright we get it!! It's funny! Now shut the fuck up!" I yelled at them. They all stopped laughing as I snapped.

"James! Language!" Kate warned. I glared at her. Really?! "Wait where'd Riley go?" She asked, just realizing now that Riley was missing. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"While you guys were too busy laughing at her and mocking her, she ran off!" I snapped.

"Why?" Noah asked. I rolled my eyes. Idiots. I turned and left them there on the porch, jogging back to our place.

I opened the door, but the house was quiet.

"Riley?!" I called as I looked in every room through the house. The last stop was our bedroom. The door was closed. So I thought maybe she wanted to be alone. "Ri?" I asked as I stood outside the door, "Baby, I'm sorry about them. Their all idiots and jerks and they were so rude to do that to you," I said against the door. There was a moment of silence. "Baby girl, can I come in?" I asked but I got no answer, "Please Ri?" I begged. But nothing. "Riles?" I asked again, more serious and concerned why she wasn't answering. I turned the knob and opened the door, "Riley-" I stopped short. She wasn't here. I walked into the room, looking around. She was gone. Her bag was gone. I notice the pile of purple and baby blue on our bed. I rushed over, looking down at it. It was Riley's A-Troupe uniform and her black warm up sneakers. There was a note on top. A small sticky note piece of paper. I picked it up and looked at it.

"Bye James. I'm sorry" it simply said in Riley's beautiful handwriting. The "y" on "sorry" was smudged slight with a tear that has hit the paper. I looked around once more, panicking. I picked up Riley's jacket, which was still warm and held it close to me.

"Riley?" I asked myself quietly, tears starting to form. She was gone...

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