Chapter 26: I'm Sorry I Left

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Riley's POV

I used the hidden spare key to unlock the door to the house. I stepped into the empty place and closed the door behind me. It's silent. My parents were away on a business trip so I would be home alone for a few days. It's fine though. I'll be ok....

I sighed, collapsing onto the couch. The jet lag was starting to hit me. I exhaled deeply, deciding on changing into my pyjamas...

After changing, unpacking, and having something to eat, I sat down on the couch with a glass, the tv remote, a blanket, and the bottle of sour flavoured vodka my parents had bought me for my 16th birthday. I cracked the bottle for the first time, pouring myself a glass. I just needed to escape....

James's POV

Nearly 6 hours after I stole my ticket, I stood on the step of Riley's house, wth my suitcase in my hand. I bit my lip, and knocked on the door, waiting for Riley to open it so I could see her face light up. But there was no answer. I was confused, and turned the door knob. It was open, so I stepped in.

"Riley?" I called out. But I didn't hear anything. I kicked off my shoe's and slowly sauntered through the house. I stepped into the living room and found Riley on the couch, passed out asleep. The tv was on mute, on some channel that was broadcasting Internationals, and there was an empty glass, and a 1/2 full bottle on the table. I recognized it as the bottle of Sour Raspberry Vodka that Riley had been give for her birthday. I thought she had sworn not to open it until she turned 20. But the bottle she had not touched for nearly 2 years, since her 16th, now was half gone. I knelt beside the couch and gently touched her shoulder, shaking her awake. "Riley baby girl?" I asked as she stirred and rolled over, looking at me. She rubbed her eyes and sat up unsteadily.

"Ja-...James?" She asked, confused and shocked.

"It's me Riles," I said with a soft, sweet smile. I saw tears form in her eyes before she sloppily threw her arms around me in a hug, and refused to let go. I could smell the vodka on her. "Riley have you been drinking?" I asked. She held me tighter and nodded. Then I felt warm, wet lips on the side of my neck. Riley was kissing my skin. I closed my eyes for a moment. It's hadn't even been 24 hours without her and I had missed her touch so much.

"James I'm so sorry I left," Riley suddenly started to sob into the crook of my neck. She looked at me in the eyes, with this pained and guilt stricken look. Then she whimpered and started to cry again. I wrapped my arms around her tighter as she cried, soothing her.

"Ri baby, it's ok. Everything's ok. It's not your fault," I hushed her quietly. I sat on the couch, put her across my lap, and held her, rocking her in my arms to calm her. I pet her hair gently, and ran my fingers through it.

Half an hour later her crying had ceased and she was sniffling into my chest.

"Why did you follow me?" She asked, into my shirt. I made her look up at me.

"Because I love you. And I'll tell you exactly what I told Emily. Riley, you mean a hell of a lot more to me than the team does. I'd rather be here with you, and know that you're ok, than be in Miami at Internationals without you, any day," I told her. She smiled up at me.

"I love you too," she said and hid her face again, snuggling up to me closer.

I felt lips on my skin again and knew Riley was kissing my neck again.

"Oh Ri," I breathed out with a sigh. She was running her hands up my chest, over my shirt and softly kissing my delicate neck flesh. She shifted so she was straddling me on the couch, her arms behind my head, and continued kissing my neck. My hands ran down her her sides until I was holding her hips, just enjoying her neck kisses.

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