Chapter 12: Whipped!!

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James's POV

Finally, after a bit of prodding, Riley and I got out of bed and got dressed.

The boys were in the kitchen, vowing down on pizza.

"You ordered pizza and didn't tell me," I said, sitting down and stuffing a piece in my mouth. We all started scarfing down the pizza. Riley walked in, primping her hair with her fingers. She was in jean shorts with a brown belt, a baggy floral top and an olive green throw top. I watched at she reached for a plate and rolled her eyes as she picked up a slice of pizza.

"Seriously? Pizza? Is that what you're gonna live off of while we're here for the week?" She asked.

"That was the plan," Eldon said, stuffing his face again. Riley scoffed.

"No," she said, "I'm going out and buying food and cooking because I'm not living off this crap for a week," she said, biting a piece off her pizza. I stood up and stood with her at the counter while the boys opened the second box.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"No it's ok. You hang with the boys as the mall. I'll go out with the girls. But can you clean the place up a little before I get back?" she said, "Then you and I can have some alone time tonight," she whispered in my ear, and kissed my cheek. I smiled to myself as she set her empty plate in the sink.

"Sure hun," I said and watched her as she picked her purse up, glancing back at me,

"See you later babe," she said flirtatiously and left. I heard the door close. The guys all started laughing to themselves. I turned and looked at them.

"What?!" I asked as that all snickered, glancing at each other.

"Whipped!!" They all shouted and burst out laughing. I leaned against the counter.

"Oh shut up!" I shouted, annoyed. I was not whipped. I respected my girlfriends wishes. I mean, she lets me do things to her. Dirty things that she liked... The least I could do for her was a few chores. I rolled my eyes at the boys and went to the bedroom to tidy it up and make the bed, putting the now clean quilt on it.

When I finished cleaning I grabbed my wallet.

"I'm gonna go grab our transit passes from Kate. Meet me outside in 5 minutes," I hollered as I left the house.

I dashed down to the TimeShare, where Kate and Phoebe were sitting outside on the deck, at the table, under the umbrella, drinking lemonade and snacking on fruit, while chatting. The both looked up as I approached.

"Oh hi James, what do you need?" Kate asked. I smiled,

"Can I grab the guys transit passes? We're all gonna go hang explore Miami," I asked. Kate nodded, reaching into her beach bag.

"Here's your passes.... And my cellphone number of you need me... Remember that the busses don't run at this end of town after midnight. And that's when curfew is. We're up early tommorow for the first day of competition," she said, handing me the bus passes and a piece of paper with her cell number. I nodded and dashed back to the house where the boys were waiting outside.

"Ready to go?" I asked as I have them their passes. They all nodded as we raced each other to the closest bus stop.....

Sorry about the short update...

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