Chapter 5: Be Careful

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Riley's POV

"Oh come on Ri. Tell me," Emily begged for the billionth time. I had mentioned to mom when I had come home that I had missed supper because I was having a serious talk with James. She didn't ask what it was about. But Emily, who had overheard, and knew what "serious talk" actually meant, had been bugging me since James had dropped me off.... 6 hours ago. I yawned. It was midnight already and Em was still sitting on the end of my bed, begging me to tell her. Mom and dad had already gone to bed.

"Emily please go to bed. I'm not telling you. For the thousandth time, what I talked about with James was private and between the two of us," I told her, staring at the screen in my laptop. Em groaned.

"Riley please, I promise I won't say anything," she said. I rolled my eyes and closed my laptop looking good at her.

"You wanna know, fine.... We were talking about our first time," I said causal, just laying it on her, hoping that she'd be stunned or freaked out and leave. Nope. Instead she squealed to herself.

"Ooo! Jiley's talking about their- wait WHAT?!" She snapped as if she didn't really understand what I had said until just then. "You're first time?!!" She asked, shocked, "I thought you were still a virgin?!"

"I am still a virgin," I told her and she looked at me, "James and I were talking about having our first time," I clarified. She looked at me, surprised.

"Oh... guys were...planning something?" Emily asked, curious yet unsure, as I put my laptop on my nightstand. I picked up my phone and crossed my leg, looking at Em.

"No...well not yet...we were just talking about if we were ready," I admitted sheepishly. Em came and sat right beside me, putting her hand on my leg.

"Riley, think about this... You're old just gonna be 17 in a few months...." She said. I furrowed my brow.

"What's my age got to do with it?" I asked,

"Riley are you sure you want to do this with James? Are you sure you want him to take your virginity? I mean, what if something happened between you two again? And then you have to live with the fact that James was your first.... Think about it Ri," she said. I looked over at her.

"Em, nothing's gonna happen between James and I. We're good now. I mean look, we've made it through what happened with Beth, through our break up, through us being separated from the internationals team, even through Ella trying to break us up. Em we came make it through anything. And I want him to be my first. I want us to do this.... I'm just not sure when. I'm not ready yet.... But soon," I said with a sweet smile, thinking back to what James had done to me on his couch. I sighed,

"Riley, I'm not going to stop you from making this choice, or change your mind. But can you at least do one thing for me?" Emily asked. I nodded,

"Sure," I said. Em took my hands in hers.

"I really don't want to be 'Auntie Emily' at nearly 18. Just promise me that if you decide to have sex with James any time soon, you'll be careful about it? I mean, condom, morning after pill, anything. Promise?" She asked. I smiled and nodded, giving her a hug.

"I promise Em," I told her. She let go of me and smiled.

"Ok. Now get to bed little sis. It's Sunday, so so there's no dance, but still, your need your rest," she said. I giggled.

"Ok... Night Em," I said as she left, turning off my light and closing my door.

"Night Ri," she said and then was gone. I snuggled up to my pillow and closed my eyes, thinking to myself about James and I.....

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