Chapter 7: Plane Ride

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~one week later~

James's POV

I yawned as I woke up, tired but excited, at 4:30 am. I had to be ready and at the airport by 6. Today was the day we would leave for Miami. Internationals didn't start until Sunday but Kate and Phoebe wanted us to leave a few days early. We'd get the rest of Thursday, and Friday and Saturday to chill and do whatever we wanted.

I have to say that on the week leading up to today, Ri and I have been even more close than before. Ever since be that night at her place last week.

I smiled to myself, thinking about. It would be hard to spend nearly a week in a different hotel room than her. I liked nighttime snuggles with her.

I got up and got dressed and cleaned up. Then grabbed any last minute stuff I could think of and threw it in my dance bag, slash "carry on", for the plane. I headed downstairs setting my bag with my large suitcase that was packed and ready to go. Mom was already up, surprisingly, making me breakfast. I was shocked to see that Jessica, and my other sisters, Hanna, who was 12, and Isabelle, who was 9, all at the breakfast table. Dad wasn't here though. He had left for work at 4am.

"Since when do you three rats get up at four in the morning?" I asked, jokingly as I looked at all of them and ruffled Isabelle's hair. She giggled. She was my favourite, mostly because I was t her lame older brother yet. She still thought I was cool. Unlike Hanna and Jess.

"Uh, do you know how rare it is that mom makes maple bacon brown sugar pancakes?" Jess said in a "duh" type tone. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a plate.

"Eat up James, we have to leave in half an hour if we want to make it to the airport," mom said. I nodded and sat at the counter, eating my breakfast.

I finished quickly and then loaded my bags into the car as mom sorted out the girls, and then we all loaded up and headed out.

We reached the airport 5:45. Only 15 minutes early, but some of A-Troupe was already there waiting inside when we entered. Kate, Phoebe, Eldon, Max, Giselle, Thalia, and Amanda. I joined them, setting my bags down, with my family right behind me. The girls were all happy, jumping around and talking to the four A-Troupe girls. Mom was having a casual conversation with Kate. Sadly for Kate it was my mother explaining her menopause. Ugh!

A noise from behind me made me turn.

"Hurry up Em!" I heard a familiar voice.

"I'm coming as fast as I can! Broken knee remember!" I heard another voice.

I smiled as I saw Riley and Emily walking up to the group.

"Hey babe," I said, wrapping an around around her after both de and Emily had joined the group. Ri turned and hugged my tight.

"Little help here," Em asked, trying to set her duffle bag down but was struggling to bend. Ri let go of me and helped her sister.

"So where's the rest of A-Troupe?" Riley asked, looking at the group.

"Well Stephanie said she was just leaving home as mom dropped us off, and she's picking up West, Cierra, and Michelle," Emily said. I sat down on one of the chairs and to sat on my lap, yawning and rubbing her eyes, leaning her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and covered her with my jacket. She smiled as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. In 5 minutes she was out like a light in my arms. I was running my fingers through her hair as she nuzzled closer to me in her sleep.

"I'm guessing she doesn't do early mornings?" I asked Emily, who was watching me play with Riley's hair. Em shook her head. I smiled, looking down at my sleeping girlfriend. She was so beautiful.

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