Chapter 6: Home "Alone"

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~4 day later~

Riley's POV

Sunday I didn't talk to James. Mom had Em and I out in the garden all day, weeding. Ugh. Gross. I really hated outdoor work. I mean I was all for getting dirty if I was having fun while doing it. But weeding a garden. Ew!

Anyway. Today was Thursday. Rehearsals again not an entire A-Troupe rehearsal though. Those were Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. We were leaving for Miami next Friday. It was just James, Cierra, Max, West, Gisselle, and I here today. All of us, minus Cierra had had been running through our group routine the 5 of us had. Ci has been watching us and pointing out corrections. After running through it several times, we decide to call a lunch break and meet back in the studio in two hours. That was the good thing about dancing in the summer, no school, breaks from dancing whenever we feel like it.

I felt hands wrap around me and a kiss was placed gently on my sweaty, bare shoulder. I looked over and smiled at James.

"So Ri, what are you up to tonight?" He asked, softly on my ear. I smiled.

"Well.... Em's spending the night at Stephanie's. My mom is working a really late at the office, and my dad's out of town on business.... So I'm all alone tonight," I said with an over dramatic sigh. James's hands slowly slid from wrapped around my stomach, to threaten to slip into my shorts.

"Well now you have company coming," he announced. I chuckled,

"Well ok, of you insist," I said and gave him a kiss in the cheek before we headed down to Hidalgos for lunch with the others.....


After rehearsals were over, around 4 o'clock, I drove home and cleaned up. Showering, combing my hair, and throwing on a pair of my cheekster lounge shorts. The ones that let the bottom of my butt show if I bent over a bit. And I went braless under one of James's shirts he had lent to me the one time I was at his place and he accidentally dumped a glass of juice on my top. It was that grey, high v-neck, t-shirt that he had given me. I plan to give it back once his scent wears off of it. I smelled the shirt, as I stood against the counter, waiting for my supper, that was in the microwave, to warm up. It beeped and took it out, steaming. It was leftovers, but leftover meat and cheese lasagna was my favorite. I stood at the counter, eating dinner, the silent house feeling eery. Man I hoped James came here soon. I really hated being alone. Especially in the evening. I had watched to many horror films in my life already. A knock at the door started me and I dropped my fork, with a sharp inhale, and it hit the plate, making a loud clattering.

The door opened and I saw James, the panic flowing away. I smiled at him and continued to eat my supper.

"Hey babe," he said as he sat on a stood, across from me. I took a forkful of lasagna.

"Hey," I said quickly and stuffed the forkful in my mouth. I closed my eyes, loving the flavor. I could tell James was watching me. I opened my eyes and chewed my food and swallowed it. James chuckled at me.

"So whatcha got planned for tonight baby girl?" James asked.

"Well I rented an action movie for us, so I was thinking we could cuddle in my room on the bed and watch it?" I continued to eat while I told him. Although I doubt he was completely listening as I noticed he was staring at my chest. My erect nipples telling him I wasn't wearing a bra. I smacked my hand on the counter, palm down, in front of him and he jumped. "My eyes are up here James," I told him and pointed to my eyes, then finished off the last bite of my supper.

"Sorry Ri," he said as I placed my plate in the sink, "You just look really sexy in my clothes," he said in a slight daze. I chuckled, going around to the other side of the counter and her turned the stool, placing his hands on my hips as he was still sitting.

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