Chapter 4: Lets Talk About Sex

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James's POV

The next day at rehearsals, Riley seemed a little tense and distracted. As soon as rehearsals were over, I walked over to her.

"Are you still coming over Riles?" I asked as I leaned against the cubbies while she zipped her bag up. She nodded.

"Yeah, I just have to text my mom and tell her I'll be home late and-"

"Riley! Let's go!" Emily called sharply as she was leaving. I furrows my brows and looked back at Emily.

"Emily! Riley was speaking. Do you know how rude that was?!" I snapped and Em stepped back, eyes a bit wide.

"Uh...sorry?" She said, more of a question than an apology. I sighed and turned back to Riley.

"You were saying sweetie?" I asked. Ri gulped.

"Uh, it was nothing... Just wait for me in your truck ok?" She said. I nodded and turned to head outside and wait for Riley....

15 minutes of leaning against the hood of my truck and she emerged from the doors of the studios building. I smiled as she locked eyes with me and came over. I pulled her into a hug and I quick kiss. Then we jumped in and I drove home with her, her hand links in mine.

"Ri?" I asked, glancing at her, and then back to the road. She looked over at me.

"Yeah?" She asked, tilting he head slightly. She looked curious.

"Are you ok? I can take you home if you don't want to talk," I offered. She squeezed my hand and took a deep breath.

"No, I'm talk about this now. But once we get there," she said. I nodded and we drove the rest of the way in silence.

When we pulled into the driveway, I took Riley's bag for her and we went inside. Riley walked slowly through the house behind me. I set her bag on the kitchen table and continued to the fridge.

"Do you want a snack babe?" I asked, opening the fridge.

"Uh, sure?" She said, more of an unsure question. I pulled a bowl of blueberries on the counter and closed the fringe. Then grabbed two sodas, handing one to Riley and going into the living room with her, sitting down on the couch. I casually put my arm around her. She looked down, cradling her soda between her legs to open it.

"Ri?" I asked and she looked up, taking a small sip of her soda and then setting it down. "Do you want talk now?" I asked. She looked up and sighed. I leaned in and kissed her neck. She let out a sigh type moan.

"See... I love this James.... But as soon as you want to talk about our first time, I freeze," she said quietly, leaning back in the couch. I rubbed her shoulder.

"Is it maybe you're just scared? Or nervous? Because Riley I don't want to pressure you into your first time, but babe listen. I love you and I won't hurt you, or laugh at anything you do. I want it to be special," I explained to her. She looked up.

"Promise?" She asked. I smiled at her and gave her a little chuckle.

"Ri baby I promise. I mean look at us right now. If I was gonna laugh at anything you've done I would have by now. But I wouldn't because I love you," I said. She smiled.

"I love you too," she said, "just let me think about this ok...?"

I nodded. I believe that leaving her to think would be best.

"Ok," I said and she snuggled up to my chest, taking another sip of her drink. We sat in silence, me with my arm still around her until someone walked through the front door and my sister came through the door.

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