Chapter 11: Question?

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Riley's POV

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my wet body and quickly dried my hair with another. Then, slowly opened the bathroom door and crept down the hallway to the bedroom. I closed the door and turned, jumping in shock when I saw James sitting on the bed.

"What did you do with the quilt?" I asked. He pursed his lips slightly.

"You gushed all over it remember?" He said and my cheeks turned slightly red. "And I may or may not have gotten myself off, and came on the sheets, after you had gone to the shower," he added sheepishly. I rolled my eyes.

"Really? You just had to?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Well yeah. You had your orgasm, and then left. I needed to get off too..." He said, pulling my towelled body on his lap, "...and I really would have like to put that load in your mouth baby," he said with a half smirk. I chuckled to myself and leaned in, kissing him deeply.

"Maybe next time," I mumbled against his lips, not wanting to stop kissing him. He turned me so he could hold me better,

"Maybe next time I'll get to put it inside you?" He asked, kinda unsure. I pulled away from his lips.

"Soon James... I promise..." I told him. I didn't know how soon, or if I was ready, but he would keep begging if I didn't give him some type of indication.

We went back to heavily making out on the bed, until I realized I had completely air dried. I pulled away from his lips again,

"James it's getting late. We really should go to bed..." I protested, half pushing him so he'd get up. He frowned and pretended to pout.

"Aw," he said, pouty as I stood up and grabbed my pyjamas off the dresser and faced away from him, "Ooo!" He said excitedly like a child when I unwrapped my towel and let it fall to the floor, giving James a clear, full out view of my bare backside. I smirked to myself, knowing he was staring at my ass. I pulled my sleep top on first, giving him a few extra second of my bum before I slipped into my panties and sleep shorts. That's when I felt hands on my waist and they pulled me close.

"James....bedtime," I said sternly and the hands started to roam.... up my sleep shirt to where........

........I snatched his wrists and turned in his arms.

"Bed," I said again, "Maybe we can fool around tommorow," I added and pulled away, and climbed under the sheets. James grumbled but climbed in with me, turning off the light on the night stand and pulling me into a spoon with him. I smiled, holding his arms as they were around me and just enjoying his slow breathing down my neck.

"Riley?" James asked quietly. I turned my head slightly to the side.

"What?" I asked,

"Can I ask you something?" He requested. I nodded,

"Sure," I whispered. James sighed quietly.

"Do I make you feel good?" He asked. I could hear the nervousness.

"Of course you do James," I admitted. He sighed,

"Good," he said in a self prided way. I smiled and there was a minute of silence.

"Riles?" James asked again. I sighed,

"Hmm?" I mumbled in a 'yes' type way. James pulled his head closer to the back of mine.

"You really meant the promise right?" He asked. I was still for a moment. Was I?

"Yeah," I said, some what half heartedly.

"Ok...." He said, "Thank you," he added.

"You're welcome" I said quietly, and after a minute started to begin closing my eyes. And then-

"Hey Ri?" He asked, his voice seeming like it echoed through darkness of the room this time.

"Yeah James?" I ask, closing my eyes. His questions were starting to get on my nerves. There was a moment of silence.

"I love you," he whispered softly. I smiled to myself. Hearing him say that was the most comforting and relaxing, reassuring thing any girl could hear...

"I love you too," I told him and exhaled deeply, slowly falling in to a slumber.....

James's POV

The next morning

"Riles...." I whisper in a singsong voice, as I was hovering just over her, cradling her against me. The birds were chirping loudly outside with window.

Ri didn't move. Typical. She was a hard one to wake. I moved her hair from her neck and began to suckle and kiss the soft flesh. She moaned in her sleep as I placed a plethora of kisses to her neck.

"Ri, come on baby, it's nearly noon," I said. She grumbled and rolled over so she was on her back, looking up.

"Do we have to?" She mumbled. I sighed.

"Don't you wanna go out with the girls today and explore Miami?" I asked. She made a tired, pouty face, her eyes closed,

"No I wanna stay here and snuggled with you," she protested sleepily as she snuggled up to me. I smiled, holding her close, my arms around her lower back. I felt her relax and with a quick movement I rolled her up so she was straddling me. She squealed and giggled, looking down at me groggily. Then let out an exaggerated sigh and flopped down so her body was pressed against mine and her chin resting on my chest as she glanced up at me. I chuckled and stretched my neck so I could reach her lips and kiss her gently. She smiled and closed her eyes, laying her ear on my chest, and watched her intently as she smiled, listening to my heart beat slowly....

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