Chapter 3: Midnight Texting

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Riley's POV

James drove me home. It was already 11 o'clock at night. Obviously my parents would be home and Em too. As he pulled into the driveway and parked his truck, I undid my seatbelt and looked over at James. Without saying anything I just stared in his eyes and leaned in, kissing him softly. But his hand snaked behind my back and he pulled me closer. I moaned against his lips as our simple goodbye kiss turned to a full blow, heated make out.

A tap on the passenger side window and I jumped away from James, screaming slightly. I saw the figure outside the window was my dad, who didn't look pleased. I sighed and rolled down the window.

"Hi dad," I said, slightly miserable that he interior mine and James's kiss.

"Come on Riley. Say goodbye and lets go," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"That's kinda what we were doing," I said, gesturing to James, who chuckled under his breath. He pulled me close, with his arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple.

"He's right Riles, it's late. I'll see you at rehearsals tomorrow," James said with a smile. I nodded and grabbed my bag, jumping out of his truck. My father placed a hand in my shoulder. "Nice seeing you sir," James said to my dad and then rolled up the window and pulled out of the driveway. I quietly walked inside with my dad behind me.

When I stepped inside, I immediately made a B-line through the living room to go to my room.

"Oh, you're finally home," my moms voice called from behind me. I turned at the bottom of the stairs and saw mom on the couch with a blanket on her lap and the TV on.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry I'm so late," I said, tucking my bangs behind my ear.

"Out with James?" She asked casually.

"At the studio..." I admitted. Mom chuckled slightly to herself.

"With James?" She asked. I sighed,

"Yeah," I admitted sheepishly. She smiled.

"What were you doing?" She asked.

"Just...extra rehearsals," I said, though it was a lie. My dad worked in and leaned over the back of the couch.

"Really? Then what was that in the truck?" He asked. Mom looked up at him and then at me.

"Truck?" She asked. I nervously scratched my chin.

"Just a goodbye kiss," I told them, "I swear.... Can I go shower now?" I asked, anxiously. Mom nodded and I run upstairs. They were both always a bit protective of me since I started dating James. Mom was a bit more chill than dad was. She was fine with me staying out late with James. She just said that I had to keep my grades up, not miss dance because I was tired, or do anything irresponsible with James, then she was ok. Dad on the other hand was a lot more protective. He didn't like me being alone with James, or out with him after dance. Mom usually talked some sense into him. Although he still didn't like it.

After showering and getting ready for bed, I closed my bedroom door, locking it, indicating to everyone that I wanted to be alone for the rest of the evening. I turned of the lights and turned on the TV and picked up my phone, texting James:

~You still awake James?~

I sent the message to him. He replied almost instantly:

~Yeah baby, I am, what to you need sweetie?~

He asked. I smiled.

~Nothing. I just want to talk to you. I'm alone in my room. Emily went to bed, mom and dad are in their room.~

I replied.

~Well I'm here baby. I'll talk with you all night if you need.~

I smiled at his text. He was the sweetest sometimes.

~You're so sweet.... and sexy😏~

I texted back with a smirk face emoji. James started typing:

~No you are. I bet you look sexy in your pjs~

He said. I chuckled to myself. He was asking for it. I opened my camera and took a sexy picture of the clothes I was in (AN: Picture) and sent it to James. He took a minute to respond.

~Is that my dress shirt?😱😍~

He asked. I giggled to myself, laying down on top of my covers and typed back.


I said.

~Well it looks real sexy on you. I'd like to put my hands on that sexy body😙🙌🏻~

I blushed at his text. Was he sexting me?

~Well if you can handle all this fabulousness💁🏼~

Was my response.

~Well if you can handle all this...~

He said and a moment later I received a new picture. I furrowed my brow after staring at the picture with a slight grin.

~so your plan is to send me dick pics now? What are you hoping for my nudes?~

I asked. All he sent back was an emoji:


I rolled my eyes.

~well sorry, I don't have any to send. Wasn't the costume closet enough?😒~

I asked. James took a minute to reply.

~well you know I can never get enough of that sexy body you've got. But you know we haven't actually done it before so....😕~

I sighed to myself. He wanted to talk about this again? Every time we texted. Never face to face.

~James I know where this is going. Every night you want to talk about this. Why never face to face?😔~

He took more than ten minutes to reply. I had almost put my phone away when his message and through.

~babe, it's just hard, and I know you. You never say anything. It's just me talking about it and you looking at the floor. If you're serious about this, then come to my place tomorrow after dance. No one will be home. We'll sit and we'll talk about this. Ok?~

He said. I gulped and replied,


I said.

~night baby girl. Love you~

He told me and I smiled, locking my phone as crawling under the covers, turning off the TV I didn't even watch....

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