Chapter 16: Congratualatory Kisses

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Cierra's POV

I was getting dressed for the small group. I only had 15 minutes to do my make up before the dance. Four of us were here, but Riley was missing. I didn't doubt for a second that she was off with James. But she really needed to hurry up and get here.

Suddenly the door flew open and Riley walked in. She looked.....kinda disheveled.

"Riley where have you been?! Theres only fifteen minutes until Kate's wants us ready?!" I asked, knowing Kate that would be mad if she wasn't dressed.

"Sorry," was all she answered. Riley rushed around trying to get dressed and her face painted and hair done before Kate returned.

Luckily she did... Just as Kate came in the door.

"Alright! Small group, let's run this. Phoebe can you get the music?" Kate said and all of us took our positions....

James's POV

I sat in the corner, with the other guys, watching the small group run the routine. I had my eyes on Riley the entire time, and Noah too, making sure he didn't get all touchy-feely with my girlfriend.

After one run through Kate and Phoebe told us to go and find a spot in the audience, while the others went backstage. I gave Ri a quick peck on the cheek, wishing her and the others good luck before leaving to go and find a seat.....


"And now, taking to the stage, competing against China, representing Canada, The Next Step!" The announcer called and we watched as the 4 girls and Noah took the stage and the throne was wheeled out by 2 stage crew members. Then they rushed off and the girls took to their positions, and Noah on the seat. Then the music began.....


We met the group backstage after they had finished their dance. And won! No doubt that would happen. We all congratulated the group. I gave Noah a casual fist bump. He had kept his hands friendly and I was gain my respect back slowly. Emphasis on "slowly".

"Alright guys," Kate said, "that's it for today. So let's head back to the house. It's already 6 o'clock and I want you guys in bed early because tomorrow is female solo day. Giselle no later that 10 ok?" Kate said and Giselle nodded, "we're up at 5, at the competition at 6, and the first dance, Giselle, kicks off the solo comp at 8," she added, "so let's move,"

We all got changed, packed up and headed back. I wrapped my arm around Riley as she snuggled up to me on the bus ride back. She had her hand on my chest and her face in the crook of my neck. I held her close as she dozed off.


Nearly 45 minutes later we pulled into the lot and I looked down at Riley. She was completely out. So I scooped her, her bag, and my bag up in my arms and carried her inside.

Carefully I placed her down on the bed, turned and unzipping my track jacket and pulling it off.

"Mmmfm... J-...James?" She mumbled, stirring from her sleep. I turned and looked at her as she rubbed her eyes with the sleeve of her track suit.

"Yeah babe?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, tucking a strand of hair out of her face. She smiled.

"Thanks," she said in a whisper. I smiled back at her.

"For what Ri?" I asked.

"For carrying me in," she said. I smiled and leaned in, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. She moaned softly against my lips and put her hand behind my head, pulling me deeper into the kiss. She hand her hands all over my body as she slipped her tongue into my mouth and moaned louder, pulling me on top of her.

"Ok, What's up Ri. You're not tired," I said, pulling away from her lips, at a slight loss of breath. She looked up at me with those eyes of hers.

"I've just been... excited all day, since that little...stunt you pulled on me after our dance," she said. I smirked.

"So I get you excited?" I asked with my smirk, raising one eyebrow. She nodded slightly.

"Just kiss me James," she sighed, "make me want you," she cooed, "come on..... undress me," she said in a soft, seductive whisper.

I crashed her lips to mine and ran my hands up her body, slipping my hands under her A-Troupe jacket, and running my hands down her arms, sliding the jacket off her, then my hands slipped under her baby blue track shirt....


Riley and I laid there in the dark bedroom at midnight, the covers over our bodies, both of us in our underwear. I was behind Ri, spooning her warm body as I had one arm around her waist and the other hand was running through her soft hair. After undressing her and kissing her for well over a few hours, telling her how amazing she was and how incredible her dancing was today, we had snuggled up and Ri had fallen asleep while I gently kissed her back and shoulders.

I smiled to myself, listening to her rhythmic breathing as I pulled her closer to me, and drifted into a deep sleep......

AN: this was really more of a filler chapter. Sorry. But I'll try as hard as I can to update again soon.

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