Chapter 29: The Party

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James's POV

Three days later....

I woke up with Riley's bare body pressed to mine. She was fast asleep. I smiled, rubbing her warm side, sliding my hand down her thigh. She stirred,

"Morning baby girl," I whispered and kissed her neck. She groggily moaned.

"Morning," she croaked. I slipped my hand from her thigh, to between her legs, making her moan again, her eyes still closed.

"We gotta get up babe. The parties today," I reminded her.

Yesterday A-Troupe had won internationals. Like I said, I knew they could do it without us. Of course we were happy for them, but Riley didn't really show it. She was still upset about what happened in Miami.

"I don't want to go James," she mumbled and rolled away from me. I furrowed my brow slightly.

"Why not babe?" I asked her. She sighed, pulling herself out of the bed and pulling my t-shirt over her body, just covering her butt.

"Because I'm not apart of A-Troupe anymore," she sad softly but pained, as she slipped out of her room....

I sat there for a second, baffled. Then climbed out of bed, throwing on my boxers and following her.

She was in the living room, cleaning up. I smirked every time she bent over, her bare backside being exposed. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Riley..." I whispered in her ear from behind. She sighed, leaning into me.

"What James?" She asked softly, staring ahead.

"You don't mean that do you? A-Troupe's your family. You can't just leave now. The teams been through so much. You've been there with them since the beginning," I told her gently. She looked back at me and had a sad look in her eyes. It made my heart ache a little.

"I don't want to go James," she said, pulling away from me and walking away. I sighed. Poor Riles.


I pulled into the studio and ran up the steps. I could hear everyone inside as the party was in full swing already.

I pushed opened the doors and everyone looked at me as I walked in.

"James?" Kate asked. I nodded slightly.

"Didn't think you were coming, bro," West said, kinda coldly. I furrowed my brow.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked.

"You abandoned us, just like she did," Eldon said to me. I frowned at him.

"She has a name," I reported, "and Riley didn't abandon you guys. You have her a hell of a good reason to leave," I snapped.

"Wow, I can't believe you're picking a girl over the team. Wow dude," West said. I looked around. Most of he team was disappointed.

"Ok hold the fuck up. You were all sad and scared and upset with her for leaving and now you think you can be mad at her. You won internationals!" I shouted, "without us! You didn't need us there," I reminded them, "you all think you're better than her because you won and now you're not worried," I said sharply. They all stood there. I was appalled. They were blaming Riley now?! What the fuck.

"That doesn't matter James. She still left, and so did you," Amanda said. I scowled at her.

"Shit up Amanda, you have no say in this, and stop complaining. You got to dance. If Riley and I hand to left, you and Michelle wouldn't have even been on that stage!" I snapped at her. Finally I was done with this. "You know what screw you guys, I'm going back to Riley. She's at home alone all upset over what you guys did to her and if all you guys are gonna do is hate on me, then I'm leaving," I said and turned to go. I stopped, as I saw Riley in the doorway by Kate's office, with a purple pile in her hands. She looked upset. "Riley?" I asked softly, looking at her. Her lip was quivering.

"I-...I. Ju-just came t-to drop off uniform," she stuttered, upset. Kate walked over to her, slowly and looked at her, touching her shoulder. Riley looked at her uniform and then handed it over to Kate. "I... I hope you win regionals," she said with a pained voice and then turned to go.

"Riley hun, please don't leave," Kate said softly. Riley stopped,

"I'm not going to stay with a team who does this to me, and I don't think I can face a teacher who lets them," Riley replied and then walked out.

I looked around at the team, then where Riley ran out. Kate looked heartbroken.

"I'm not dancing without Riley," I told the team, "so yeah, good luck at regionals," I said and ran out after Riley.

That's it. I was done. I wasn't doing thins anymore. They'll never get it... They'll never get how much Riley means to me....

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