Chapter 22: Mornin' Lovin'

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James's POV

Riley kissed me once and then pushed me down onto the bed, my head crashed to the pillow, while she pulled at my boxers, and without hesitation, took me in her mouth and started sucking fast and hard.

"Aw shit! Oh god Riley! Yes baby girl!" I moaned. It felt so good when she sucked me. I groaned loudly. God, morning blowjob. Didn't even see that coming when I woke up like 5 minutes ago. Riley sucked furiously, and I watched as her head bobbed up and down, taking my entire length deep into her mouth. I could feel it in the back of her throat. She was damn near deep throating me. I groaned loudly. "Fuck Riley that feels good, but I need you. I wanna be inside you," I said. She stopped, lifting her head and smiling at me. Then crawled up so she was straddling my hips, a knee on each side of me. I looked up at her. She looked so god damn gorgeous, especially in my unbuttoned dress shirt. Her ombré brown blonde hair framing her face. Her sexy little body...those breast especially, (because DAMN that push up bra) was all less than an arms length away. I reached out and held her hips as she grinder her crotch into my bare cock. The thin material of her panties the only thing stopping my erect shaft from slipping inside her. I groaned a bit until finally she smiled and nodded. That was my "ok". I flipped her over so I was pinning her to the bed. Then slowly started to work her panties down and off her. Then my shirt, and finally her bra. But I wasn't satisfied just with this. "Roll over," I said to her and she looked up at me, confused.

"Why?" She asked innocently. I smirked.

"Because we did missionary last night Ri. Let's keep it fresh," I said. She was still a little confused, but rolled over. "Hands and knees Ri," I added and she did, although it was hesitantly, "trust me baby girl, you're gonna scream, because this will feel that good," I told her as I was on my knees behind her and wrapped one hand firmly around the base of my shaft. Riley was looking back at me as I ran my fingers softly along her already wet slit. She bit her lips and moaned quietly to herself. Like a kittens purr. I smiled and then replaced my fingers with the head in my cock, doing the exact same motion I have with my hand, then, without word, I slipped into her, making her inhale sharply from the pleasure as I did. Then she started to moan louder.

"Oh James baby!" She moaned as I started to thrust. She stopped looking back and just let her head hang, as she stayed propped up on her elbows and knees. I thruster faster, only making her moan louder and more. "Deeper James! Please!" She started begging.

"Just pull your shoulders closer to the bed Riles. Keep your hips up," I said and she did. Her shift let me slip deeper into her and my cock started to hit her cervix. I kept thrusting, the underside of my stiff shaft brushing hard against her g-spot as I did.

Riley's POV

Oh god James was so deep inside me it felt like he was fucking me all the way up to my stomach. I groaned as he thrusted in and out of me while I clutched the comforter tightly, my head hanging down, hair falling in my face. Jesus christ this felt so amazing. I felt James's hands on my hips, holding me as he pounded me relentlessly. It wasn't long before that sensation was building in my core and I knew I was gonna cum hard.

"Oh god James, I- I'm gonna cum soon. I can feel it," I moaned. James moved his hands so he was playing with my clit, making the sensation more intense.

"Cum Riley..." James whispered in my ear, "Scream my name when you cum. I want the whole block to hear you scream," he added. And that was what broke me. His words, plus his thrust, an his fingers probing my bud, and I lost it.

"OH GOD JAMES I'M CUMMING!!!" I cried out and I felt my orgasm peak and I contracted around James's cock and wave after wave of pleasure crashed into me. I moaned loudly "OH FUCK BABY! HARDER!" I screamed. James pounded even harder into me.

"Fucking shit Riley I'm gonna cum!" James cried out. I was to busy writhing around in pleasure to pay much attention to what James was doing but I felt him shoot his load inside my and then his pulled out, and collapsed beside me. I was laying on my stomach, and James was on his back beside me. Both of panting heavily.

"That...was...amazing...." I breathed out, exhausted. "God, I didn't think it could get any better," I added. James let out a heavy breath and chuckled slightly.

"Neither did I baby girl," he said. I smiled, inching myself closer the James so I was snuggled up to his side, still laying on my stomach. I felt his one hand stroke my hair softly.

"So.... round 3 or do you think maybe we should clean up?" he asked, "Eldon's solo is in like....3 hours," he added, looking at the time. I chuckled to myself.

"I think round three can wait for a little bit.... How about we go take a shower?" I suggested, drawing circles on his chest with my index finger.

"Just give me like 10 minute to recover babe," he said. I smiled, snuggling up to him, and pulling a blanket over our hot, naked bodies.....

Ten minute later, James and I pulled our exhausted selves out of bed and slowly redressed in our underwear, me pulling James's shirt over my bra, and the two of us slowly headed to the bathroom to take a long, much needed shower....together.

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