Chapter 19: Love Me

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Riley's POV

James and I stood outside the restaurant as he hailed a cab. When one pulled up we got in and told the driver where to go. I held James's hand on the ride back. It was a quiet ride. But not an awkward quiet. It was a comfortable quiet.

We pulled up to the house and James paid the driver as we stepped out. I inhaled deeply. The fresh ocean breeze blowing slightly. James held my hand as we walked up to the house. I reached into my purse to grab the key. As I pulled it out of the bottom of my clutch and stuck it in the lock and turned it, I felt James's hand on my back and I turned. He just smiled and pushed me up against the door, dealing his lips to mine and kissing me hard.

"You look so beautiful in this dress Riley," he said and went back to kissing me. I moaned against his lips and wrapped my arms behind his neck as he pressed his body against mine, grinding his pelvis into me. His hands trailed down my side, gently grazing me. His touch was soft. It was erotic. It was sexy. It made me want him. His lips broke from mine and he started to kiss the side of my neck. I moaned loudly as he nibbled at my skin.

"Oh James..." I breathed lustfully. His hands snaked around to my back and ran down my back until they reached my ass and squeezed it firmly. I groaned loudly, closing my eyes while his lips made their way to to the exposed parts on my collar bone and then my chest. I moaned again, breathing heavily in James's ear. His hands were all over my body while mine were clawing at his back. I managed, through all the lust, to reach back and grasp the key from the lock, the grabbed the door knob. "Let's take this inside," I said and turned the door knob, opening the door and backing up, pulling James inside with me. He was still kissing my neck and chest and I was walking backwards and guiding him. He reached back, and closed the door then kept with the suckling and kissing. I smirked to myself at how involved he was, groping every inch of my body and kissing every inch in my chest. I guided him to the stairs, slowly walking up them backwards as he kept working his lips, and stopped outside the bedroom door. It was only then that I lifted his lips from my skin and looked him in the eye. "Look.... go to the washroom and clean up, wash up, relax, maybe lose the shirt, possibly these dress pants," I said with a smirk.... James grinned, "...and meet me in our bedroom in five minutes," I added seductively as I pulled away from him and backed into our room, "don't keep me waiting," I said softly as I closed the door an giggled to myself....

I walked over to my bag and pulled out my hair brush, brushing all of the curls from my blonde-brown hair. I grabbed a make up wipe and wiped all of my make up off. I kicked off my heels and took off my jewelry, then sat on the edge of the bed, thinking to myself about what I was about to do.

The bedroom door creaked open and James smiled at me as he entered and closed the door. I suddenly got flustered as I saw he was only in his black boxers. He turned and looked at me, leaning against the wall. His dark tan, toned body made my heart skip several beats. Fuck he was so hot. His chiseled abs were probably his best muscle feature, then his chest, then his arms. I thought the fact that he "manscaped" his body was hot. His lack of chest, back, and pubic hair was sexy. He had a bit of leg hair but no a huge overly furry amount. Although, like most guys, he didn't do his armpits. I smiled, laying on my side, proving myself up with my elbows and putting my legs up on the bed. James chuckled, walking over to bed and stopping at the edge, in front of me.

"Hey gorgeous," he said with a smile, running one hand through my hair. I closed my eyes as he did. Then looked up at him. He leaned down, his hands on the bed, on either side of my head, and kissed me. I held my hands behind his neck, moaning against his lips.

"Oh god James," I breathed out. He chuckled, looking down at me. His hands reached for one blue strap on my dress and slipped it off my shoulder. Then the other. He slipped his hands behind me and I arched my back, allowing him to unzip the dress. Although he struggled a bit, so I stood up and let him finish, then the dress fell to the floor. I looked down at the pile of fabric around my feet and smiled to myself. Instantly James guided me back down onto the bed, pinning me again, and started kissing and groping my body again. I started moaning for everything he did. All of it was amazing. I couldn't help but moan.

"Let me please you Riley," James said softly, looking at me. I nodded,

"Oh god please do," I said and he smiled, slowly running his hand up my side and around behind me again, to unclad my bra, which was easier than the dress and he did by himself. He tossed my baby blue bra aside and then sealed his mouth to one of my erect nipples. I gasped as his teeth nipped down on it. I ran my fingers gently through his hair and swallowed hard. I felt his hands sneaking down to my hips, until they went lower and his fingers grazed the fabric of my panties over my crotch. I gasped again as he rubbed my slit through my panties, making the fabric wet from my juices.

"Already wet for me I see Riles," James mumbled against my breast and then slowly started to kiss and suck his way down my bare torso, going lower, and lower, rubbing my sides with his hands. Then finally his teeth bit the elastic of my panties. And he pulled them down, his lips and nose brushing against my pussy, making my breathing hitch slightly. He slid my panties all the way off, then looked up at me, my underwear held in his teeth, smiling at me like it was a prize dangling from his mouth. I grinned, as he dropped my panties with my dress and returned his hands back to my thighs, pulling me to the edge of the bed, so my legs were hanging off it, and slowly spread my legs. I don't think I could take this teasing for more than a minute...

James's POV

"James baby, please, eat me out! Finger me! Make me cum!" Ri started begging. I was surprise at how forward she was being.

"Oh Ri baby girl, I'm gonna make you feel so good, you'll be addicted to me," I said in a sexy tone. She shuddered telling me she liked it. I spread her legs wider, (the fun of dating a contemporary dancer. Flexibility...), and started toying with her. First coating my fingers with her leaking juices, then kissing the inside of her thighs as I trace circles in a teasing way on her clit. Then I started running my wet fingers over her slit as I sealed my mouth to her little bud and sucked and flicked my tongue furiously. Finally I slipped my fingers, index and middle, into her pretty much leaking core, making that famous "come here" motion. That's when Ri started whimpering and screaming lustfully from the pleasure.

"Yes! Yes baby! Oh fuck yeah! Oh god James, TAKE ME!" Riley cried out suddenly and I stopped what I was doing.

"What?" I asked in shock. Had she really just said that? Or was the lust getting to her head? "Riley baby are you sure? Are you 100% ready? I think the pleasure's just getting to you," I said. Riley exhaled deeply after collecting herself and sat up, looking down at me. between her legs, my hands still on her.

"Yes James," she protested, "I thought about it last night and I want this. I'm ready for this. I can't wait any longer. I want it. I want to feel you inside me. I want your sweet hot juice in me. I want YOU..." She moaned and cupped my cheeks with her palms. I was at a loss for words. She really wanted this.

"Ok baby girl...if you really want this, then get ready to lose your innocence," I moaned to her, crawling up onto the bed and on top of her, pinning her beneath me. "But first...." I said and rolled us over lightning fast so she was straddling me, ".....I think you need to get me a little excited," I smirked. She looked down at my chest, running her hands over my pecks and abs. She leaned forward, kissing my chest as she ground her pelvis into mine, making me groan. "Oh Ri baby," I moaned quietly. She chuckled to herself and wiggled her way down my body, then ran her hands down me, stopping at my boxers, and pulling at the elastic. She reached down, grasping my cock with her slender hand and pulling it out I moaned from the feeling of her grasp, and then she started stroking me, making me go hard in only a few seconds, "Fuck that feels amazing Riley," I breathed, closing my eyes. She giggled, and suddenly I felt her warm breath near my skin, and she took my entire shaft length in her mouth, and began sucking hard. She used her tongue on the underside of my cock. "Holy shit Ri! Oh god baby!" I groaned, running my fingers through my hair, "you get even better at this each time," I told her. She lifted her head and replaced her mouth with her hand. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She smiled, looking down at her work. I knew she was just waiting for me to pin her and take her and that toying with me was just depressing her. I smiled, lifting her head and sitting up, her still on my legs. I wrapped my hands behind her and rolled us over, making her squeal, "Are you really ready baby girl?" I asked and she nodded....

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