Chapter 13: Trouble

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Riley's POV

The girls and I were out on the town, exploring all Miami had to offer. We were casually walking down the street when Giselle spoke up.

"So Riley, what was the big blow up about yesterday?" She asked. I was confused. What did she mean? All the girls were looking at me now.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as we all sat down under some trees in the park to rest.

"Well I heard through West that you were in a bit of a mood. Something, and James...and he said something about Noah touching you, and a pleasurable scream and a bunch on other stuff I couldn't put together. But that's West I guess. All over the place," she said. The girls all looked at me again as u was going a slight shade of red from some embarrassment.

" was nothing really. Really long story," I said, trying to play it off.

"Well tell us. We have all day," Cierra prodded. They all looked at me curiously. I sighed and started to tell them the evens of last night, minus the dirty details of my orgasm and what James and I did. They were all shocked by the time I have awkwardly finished. Em probably the most.

"Wow," Steph said, in disbelief, "I didn't realize you and James were so physical,"

I nodded slowly, looking for at one of the rings that James had given me a while ago for a birthday present.

"Uh...yeah," I said quietly, "we are,"

"So....are guys....planning anything?" Thalia asked. I swallowed nervously. Should I tell them?

"What-...what do you mean?" I asked.

"I you're still a virgin right?" She asked. I gulped.

"Uh...yeah, I-...I am," I said shakily.

"So are you planning anything to lose it?" Cierra said. I looked over at her, then around the group.

"Um.... James and I were talking a little bit about it before we left for Miami," I said quietly. They all kind of looked around at each other with a smile.

"So do you think it'll be here that you'll do it?" Amanda asked.

"Or as you really gonna wait until you're married?" Cierra asked.

"Are you two gonna leave the house for the night? Or stay with the guys there?" Michelle said. I closed my eyes and tried to drown out their bombarding of questions. Luckily Emily noticed and spoke up.

"OK! I think we should get going. We have a lot of shopping to get done today, so let move!" Em said sternly and stood up. Everyone kinda just dropped the subject and we slowly walked downtown. Em held my hand and smiled at me. "Sorry they're being so intrusive Ri," she said. I shrugged,

"It's fine, but uh-... Can you pick up the stuff I need Em? I wanna go back to the house. I just need to be alone right now," I said and have her my list and my cash I had. She nodded and gave me a hug before going after the girls and I turned, heading back to the house. It was already 4 o'clock and the day light was starting to dim. Alleys were starting to loose their lighting and the shadows of buildings were starting to cast out onto the streets. I turned a corner, realizing it would be a short cut to go through the alley that take the bus back to the house. I quickened my pace only slightly. Suddenly the sound of footsteps behind me echoed down the stone alley way and I started to run a bit.

"YO! Wait! RILEY WAIT UP!" The voice called and I stopped, looking back to see Noah running after me. I let out a drives sigh that it wasn't some stranger following me.

"Why were you following me?!" I yelled at him, "it's creepy as fuck!"

Noah put his hand up in defence.

"Sorry Riles, I just was heading back to the house and saw you a few blocks down with the girls when you turned and surged going a different direction," he explained. I looked and him and rolled my eyes, then started walking again. With him near me. Well at least I wast alone now. I glared at him. The way he called me "Riles" was weird. Only James ever called me that. To everyone else it was "Ri"....

Noah stepped closer so we were walking side by side. I just kept walking, without acknowledging him.

"Riley can I just apologize for last night?" He asked and I looked over at him for a second, "I'm sorry about the whole, making you feel awkward thing," he said,

"It's fine," I said, half heartedly. He furrowed his brow as we turned up the street that lead to the house.

"No it's not just fine. Can I at least explain myself to you?" He asked as I walked up the the house and unlocked the door since I was the one with the key. Noah followed me in.

"Whatever," I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"Riley can you not be so cold hearted right now?" He asked as I started my way up the stairs. But he pushed past me and blocked my way. I looked up at him, standing way over me. "You're beautiful and you need to accept that!" He said rather loudly and my eyes snapped up to his.

"Excuse me?" I asked, confused as to why he would just randomly say that.

"Not all of us guys are perverts Riley," he said softly to me, stepping down the stairs slowly, making me back down. "We don't stare at you just because we wanna put our hands all over you. Some of us actually think you're an amazing girl who deserves them," he added and I gulped, my back hitting a wall. Noah now stood with his hands on the wall on either side of me. He was only a foot away from me now as I was kind of freaked out. I've never actually seen this side of him. I glared at him,

"Noah get away from me. This is sick ok. You have a girlfriend who is my friend. I have a boyfriend, who is your friend and team mate. And you're so lucky right now that he hasn't beaten the shit out of you for your little stunt last night. And I swear to god you're lucky I don't call your girlfriend and tell her you're making moves on other girls," I snapped harshly at him. He smirked.

"You know you're kinda hot when you're angry," he said and pinned me to the wall, pressing his lips to mine.....

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