Chapter 9: Make It Better

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James's POV

"Riley babe! Wait!" I called after her as she ran up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door.

"That's just weird James? I mean really? You had to finger her with us in the room?" Noah said. I glared at him.

"What the hell Noah?! Why were you even touching her?!" I chirped at him. He looked around.

"Come on man, I won't be the only one around here to admit that she's hot as hell when she's flaunting that body of her's around her teasing us all like it's casually ok to walk around guys in short pyjamas," Noah said. My eyes went wide as I stood up and cracked him as hard as I could in the back of the head and stormed off to see if Riley was doing ok...

As I neared the top of the stairs I hear her voice singing and a quiet tune that sounded like it was coming from a phone...

"🎶I know I'm, smiling, from what's, right in front of me.... Heart skips a beat, every time you look at me,🎶"

Suddenly her voice stopped and I heard shuffling. A moment later I stepped in. Riley rapidly turned and jumped. She was in just her underwear and bra, with sweat pants and a grungy old sweat shirt in her hands. I stepped in and closed the door.

"James I'm-" she began but I rushed up to her and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her half bare body close.

"I'm sorry about what the boys did baby," I said to her, holding her head to my chest. She held me back just as tightly.

"It-... It's fine," she sniffled. She looked up.

"Why are changing Ri?" I asked her, looking at the sweats and hoodie she was probably planning to put on. "We're in Miami it's like 35 above outside,"

"I was gonna change so the boys stop gawking at me," she sniffled. I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"If I'm beside you Ri, they won't. I'll make sure of it," I told her, "Don't change how you dress just because the boys are perverts, ok?" I said. She nodded. I loosened my embrace on her, smiling, "But since you're in the middle of changing, how about I help?" I suggested, guiding her backwards slowly towards the bed while kissing her bare shoulder. The back of her knees hit the mattress and she laid down, looking up at me, still standing. I smiled and bent over, placing my hands on the bed in either side of her head and leaned on, kissing her neck, then slowly kissing down to her chest, then down her ribs, stomach, lower abdomen, and was soon kneeling on the floor and was kissing the inside of her thighs, making her inhale sharply and clutch the quilt in her fists.

"James?" She breathed out in a soft moan. I looked up from kissing her thigh, keeping my mouth only millimetres from her skin.

"Yeah Riles?" I asked sweetly and softly. She propped herself up on her elbows.

"Make me feel good," she whispered. I smiled. Those were her cue words. Any time she wanted to get physical she's say that. I nodded and crawled back up on the bed, straddling her and making her lay down.

"Don't worry baby girl,"'I said as I stared down at her body. She was so damn gorgeous, "I'll make you feel nice and relaxed," I added, running my hands up the side of her body, and then caressing her breast, massaging them as she stared up at me with a gentle smile. She giggled,

"James.... Oh god don't tease me," she moaned. I smirked, reaching behind her and and unclasping her bra, sliding it off and revealing her breast. I lowered my mouth and began to suckle gently on her nipple, occasionally biting it slightly with my teeth, and making her moan more. Slowly I went down until my mouth grazed her lace panties. I could already smell her aroma, calling me forward. I licked my lips, then slowly pulled her panties off, off her bum, down her legs and into the floor. I smiled as her, excitedly as I gently spread her legs and turned my gaze to her pussy, diving my mouth in and carefully using my expert tongue to lick her clit, making her gasp sharply and bite her bottom lip. Then I licked up and down her slit, and forced my to fur into her hole, slurping and sucking her hot wetness. She was so turned on already she was practically dripping for me. "Jaammmeeesss..." Ri moaned when my mouth took her clit again and my index and middle finger took over my tongues job, and slipped inside her. While sucking her clit strongly, and creating an intense suction, I started pumping my fingers hard, in and out, picking up the pace, until my hand was pumping so fast the I had to remove my mouth and stand up, leaning over her on the bed. Riley's mouth was hanging open as she tried to hold back a loud moan. I put more pressure on her G-Spot and not ten or so seconds later Riley reached over and grabbed a pillow, covering her face with it. Before I could ask her what she was doing, a muffled scream that no doubt would have been loud without the pillow, filled the room, and Riley's pussy clenched around my fingers, making near impossible to pump my hand. At that same moment I watched her entire body tighten and her toes curl into the quilt at the edge of the bed and a hot, clear, watery liquid gushed all over my hand, Riley's thighs, and the quilt beneath her bum. It continued for almost five seconds, squirt after squirt of the fluid until it stopped and Riley unclenched her muscles and I could move my hand again. She laid there, with her knees up, naked, with a pillow over her face, gasping and breathing heavily. I stood there, utterly shocked that had happened.

"Ri baby?" I asked softly. She sighed out deeply and lifted the pillow a bit just so she could see me. There were tears in her eyes and her entire face was red from the pillow.

"J-James I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to do that. I j-just couldn't h-old on," she stuttered, clearly embarrassed and upset about what she had done. I rubbed my hands down her thighs.

'Hush Ri, it's ok." I soothed her. I knew she was thinking wrong right now. She thought she had done something else, "You don't have to be embarrassed. It's not what you think. I'm proud of you. You didn't pee, it was a G-Spot orgasm, baby. One of the hardest orgasms for women to have." I explained. (AN: if you don't know what that type of orgasm is, google it).

"I-...I had an orgasm?" She asked, unsure. I smiled and nodded.

"You did babe," I assured her. She wasn't one to be familiar with what all this physical stuff really was. I never usually brought her to an orgasm fast enough ad Ri wasn't one to toy with herself often. She left all that stuff to me. I was so lucky.

I climbed on top of Ri and started kissing her again, letting her know how proud I was of her having her first orgasm. After a few minutes she pulled away from my lips.

"I love you," she said sweetly. I smiled.

"I love you too....but I'll let you go clean up," I said, getting off of her. She sat up and out on her house coat, going the bathroom with a smile.

Well at least her mind was off the boys gawking at her now......

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