The Box & The Future

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So at the end of FNAF 4 We see this box, chest, or what ever you want to call it. And we see 2 locks getting on it. There appears a text which sais: Perhaps some things are best left forgotten, for now.

And specially that last part 'for now' gives us speculations! I mean there are some questions with this. We got a picture with all the animatronics and a text saying Thank You! But does this really indicate the end even though FNAF 4 is called the final chapter??? This box makes everyone think that at the actual release date, which is Halloween, the box will open. We can only hope for that to happen!

People have brightened the picture up and there was nothing special to see. But what is around it doesn't matter now! What is in it?!?! We all wanna know! But we can only guess! Some said it's the purple guy's heart. Others said that it would be the mask of the Puppet. Some said it would be the body of the kid. And so on! People make the craziest ideas of what is in that freaking box! And frankly I don't know what theorie to believe! I really have no clue to say what is in that box! No single clue! Maybe the Foxy Mask of the Brother is in it just to scare us once more! Maybe it has another date in it, indicating either FNAF 5 or a FNAF Spin-Off!

Come to think of it, let's talk about that! What is going to happen to the franchise??? I mean, FNAF went from nothing to something amazingly big! I remember seeing it on Kickstarter with no funds at all! And damn look at what it became! If we knew it at that time... But think about it! The franchise is a best seller in the horror gaming industry! Nothing personal to Scott, but he would be a plain idiot if he stops the franchise here! Plus there are still a couple of questions unanswered, though they are not big questions ofcourse. But a Spin-Off game would be amazing. I think we shouldn't expect a FNAF 5 anytime guys. But that Spin-Off would be amazing! If I was Scott, I would at least make an announcement to tell us what the future of FNAF will be! Like this the fanbase will go crazy!

So that's another story for the FNAF book! And with FNAF probably comming to an end, this book will also end. I won't milk out any stories about theories or anything. Done is done. So lets just hope the game will go on! Till next story guys! Leave a lil upvote for me please :)

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