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M I C H A E L (A)

"ashton, please tell me why i have the biggest crush on the biggest dickhead in our school?" michael sighs.

"i don't know mikey, he's your crush" ashton laughs at his friend.

michael groans, "he's so beautiful" he whispers.

"i heard you" ashton mocks michael in a high pitched voice while putting on the biggest fake smile, "he's so beautiful"

"stop it ashton!" michael shouts, shoving ashton's shoulder.

"fiiiiine" ashton winks.

"fucking hell" michael laughs, getting up from the table and walking to chemistry class.

michael walks through the door of the science lab and the first thing he sees is the blonde hair and broad shoulders of the boy of his dreams.

michael quickly looks away so he doesn't get caught staring, and speed walks to the opposite side of the class, taking a seat in the corner.

michael puts his headphones on, pressing play on his favourite twenty one pilots song, car radio.

but someone interrupts him.

"oi, get your gay ass out of my seat"

michael pauses his music and looks up, to see the boy of his dreams looking down at him.

"wh-what?" michael stutters.

"you heard me. get out" luke demands.

"oh, okay... i'm sorry" michael hurries to get up and move to a desk closer to the front of the class.

"faggot" michael hears luke and his friend calum mumble as he sits down at the desk.

but the only thing michael can really think about is that, that was the first time the boy of his dreams spoke to him.
this is cute

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