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M I C H A E L (A) ' S

today is the first day in a while i won't be seeing luke. he said he's going to spend some time with his family, so i guess i should too.

i decide to go to the florist first to but some tulips - they're mums favourites ((a/n: pretend michael doesn't have a father)) - because i haven't visited her in a while and feel bad.

"that'll be $20" the cashier smiles. ((a/n: idfk how much flower cost hahah))

i take a $20 note from my pocket and hand it to the cashier before mumbling a quick "thanks" and walking back to my car.

soon enough i arrive at my mum's home and walk through the gates and towards the back and just take a seat on the grass, as that's where my mum is too.

"hey, mum. i bought these for you" i smile softly a i lay the tulips on the ground.

"sorry i haven't visited in a while. i've had a lot going on. so i think i'll tell you about that"

"so, you know that boy, luke, that i told you about? well he finally asked me to be his boyfriend so i'm so happy." i smile at the thought of luke, before it fade to a frown as i continue, "but ashton stopped talking to me, he thinks i replaced him with luke. which i didn't. but now he's replaced me with luke's ex best friend calum so yeah."

"i miss you mum, so much" a single tear drops down my cheek and onto the grass.

"why did you leave me?" another tear rolls down my cheek and i wipe it away.

i look up to the grey stone sitting in front of me. "i miss you, mum. i wish you were still here so i could tell you about everything going on. i just wish you didn't have to leave so soon. cancer js a bitch" i begin sobbing now, and move next to the gravestone and lean my head on it.

i stay in this position for a while until i decide i should leave.

"i love you, mum. so much. cya later. i'll visit again soon" i kiss the gravestone and get up slowly. my legs feel like jelly because i've been sitting for so long.

i begin walking away and look back at the gravestone, "i love you" i mumble, blowing a kiss to my mum.

just as i get near the gates it begins raining. "fucking hell" i groan, running back to the car.

i quickly get in and shut the door. i look through the barred fence and to my mum's grave.

"why? why did it have to be my fucking mum? why? nobody fucking deserves this!" i shout, slamming my hands on the wheel, breaking out into sobs again.

michael: luke?

luke: what's up kitten?

michael: have you finished with your family

luke: not yet but do you need me? i can leave now if you need me to. we were nearly finished

michael: please

luke: where are you? i'm in the car now

michael: the graveyard near where i live

luke: i'm coming now baby. sit tight x

michael: thank you

it doesn't take luke too long until he gets to the graveyard and he spots me in my car straight away. he parks his car right next to mine and jumps out, i unlock the car doors so he can jump in my car.

"are you alright baby? c'mere" he motions me towards him, i gladly oblige and snuggle into his shoulder.

"fuck, no" i sob.

"my dad left when i was young. mum passed away a few months ago. i just visited her gr-" i can't finish my sentence without crying even more. "her grave. i miss her so much, luke"

you can see luke's eyes sadden as i tell him everything.

"it's alright kitten. i'm here for you. i love you" luke rubs my back, leaning his head on mine.

"thank you, luke. for everything"

i cried writing this shit why did i do this

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