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M I C H A E L (A) ' S

i'm about to walk out of the school gates when i suddenly get pulled by both arms behind a tree, with my mouth being covered.

my first instinct was to scream, but when i try barely any sound makes it's way past the hand on my mouth.

i hear laughing and immediately know who it is.

ashton and calum.

the hand is released from my mouth and i get turned around to face them, their grips still tight on my arms.

"w-what are you d-doing" i squeak.

i just see them look at each other, smirking, before i feel a fist to my face.

no noise comes from my mouth when i try to scream. i'm stuck in a trance that i can't get out of. i can only watch what is happening, and no noise will come out.

they continue punching me until a voice interrupts.

"hey! what the fuck are you doing?" luke shouts.

"he deserves it" calum spits.

"fuck off you two. i bet you're just jealous" luke spits back as
he helps me up.

i wrap my arm around luke's waist as he walks me to his car.

"you'll be okay baby. do you want me to take you home?" he asks as he opens the passenger door and sits me in the seat.

"n-no thanks. i d-don't want my f-family to s-see me like th-this" my voice is shaky.

"i'll take you to my place and clean you up then, kitten" luke smiles, starting the car and driving away.

i look back at the school gate to see ashton and calum standing there, laughing, staring right back at me.

"there are tissues in the glovebox. use them on your nose" luke places his hand on my thigh, rubbing it softly.

i grab the tissues and hold them on my nose.

"i-it hurts, luke" i choke out.

"i know it does baby, we're nearly there"

luke pulls over into his driveway, pulling out the keys as he gets out and walks around to the passenger door.

he opens the door for me and helps me out, walking to the front door and opening it.

he walks us straight in and to the bathroom where he sits me down on the edge of the bathtub.

"i'm sure there's something in here" luke mumbles to himself, looking in all the cupboards and drawers.

"ah, here we go" he pulls out some band-aids and wipes.

"it might sting a bit but it'll be okay. i just want to clean off all the blood" luke smiles at me.

"o-okay" i'm still trembling because of what happened. i wasn't expecting it at all.

luke softly wipes the blood off, and i wince at the stinging.

"it's alright kitten" luke says, before he quickly pecks me on my lips. i blush at the sweet action.

"you've got a little cut on your cheek. i'll just get this cream on it then put a band-aid on it, alright?" luke smiles.

"okay" i say, as he rubs a little bit of cream onto the cut, then sticking a band-aid on it.

"thank you lukey" i giggle.

"anytime, kitten" luke smiles, kissing me again.


"yeah baby?"

"what are we?" i ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"honestly, i don't know. what do you want to be?" luke asks.

"i want to be more than this" i blush, looking at the floor.



luke grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"kitten. will you be my boyfriend?" luke smiles widely.

"oh" is all that comes out.

"oh?" luke frowns.

"oh my god. of course luke!" i squeal, giving him a big bear hug.

"i really really like you, luke" i smile softly, nuzzling into his shoulder.

"i really really like you, michael" luke says, combing his hands through my hair.

i wasn't even thinking of making them a proper couple in this chap but woOOOO

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