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M I C H A E L (A)

michael walks into school with the biggest smile on his face which earns him a few odd looks from people.

michael has earned lots of confidence lately, having luke help him.

instead of walking to ashton's locker to talk to him like they used to, michael walks up to ashton's locker - where ashton is standing - and says two words.

"thank you" michael laughs.

"thank you for not talking to me because it led to luke liking me!" michael laughs again.

"you thought you were so, what? funny? for not talking to me? you thought it would make me stop talking to luke? well no, you were wrong. i talked to him even more after that. i told him the truth. and he likes me. so really, thank you. but also, fuck you" michael walks away pulling the finger at ashton and laughing, with a confused ashton watching him.

"fuck yes that felt good" michael says to himself, fist bumping the air.

luke walks up behind michael and covers michael's eyes with his hands.

luke puts on a high pitched voice, "guess whoooo", but ends up laughing, giving it away.

"hmm, i wonder who it could be..." michael giggles.

"lucass" michael says, taking luke's hands off of his eyes and turning around.

"how'd you know?" luke fake gasps, laughing with michael.

"your laugh gave it away. also, you're probably the only person who would ever do that so" michael laughs again.

"okay, that's true" luke laughs, "why do you look so happy today kitten?"

heat rises to michael's cheeks, and he blushes because luke called him kitten.

"well..." michael giggles before continuing, "i confronted ashton, and ended it by saying fuck you and pulling the finger and it felt so good to do that" michael smiles, proud of himself.

"you go glen coco!" luke playfully punches michael's arm.

"oh my god" michael laughs.

((a/n: jbh just came on i'm so kajdkdks))

luke and michael continue walking together as the first class today is chemistry, which they have together.

as luke threads his fingers through michael's, calum and ashton walk past them.

"faggots" "what the fuck" "gross" are the only words luke and michael hear from their mouths.

"just ignore them, kitten" luke says, squeezing michael's hand.

"since when did they become friends anyway?" michael sighs.

"they probably bond over hating on you and i" luke laughs.


"yeah mikey?"

"i really like you. like a lot. you know that?" michael smiles up at luke.

"i really really like you, michael"


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