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M I C H A E L (A)

*the next day*

michaela: i thought you said you wouldn't reply

luke: idk i felt like a dick either way so

michaela: what do you mean?
((a/n: *sings justin bieber*))

luke: i felt like a dick for what i did before i told you not to talk to me because i was a dick, and for not replying so either way, i'm a dick

michaela: iM A WEIRDOOO


michaela: i don't belong hereeee

michaela: i'm sorry i know the song says creep not dick but that was the first thing to pop into my head gtgtgtg

luke: all good in the hood ((a/n: calum's hood))

michaela: please don't stop talking to me

luke: i won't

luke: why did you drunk text me

michaela: um

michaela: because i was drunk?

michaela: but my friend ashley stopped me

luke: :-)

michaela: :-))

luke: :-)))

michaela: :-))))

luke: :-)))))

michaela: what are we doing

luke: i really don't know but whatever it is i like it :-)

michaela: maybe ':-)' could be our 'okay'

luke: okay :-)

the photo on the side is the real photo!!!!1!!1

luke and arzaylea were edited together!!1!1!!!1!

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