vingt et un

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L U K E ' S

it makes me so upset to see such a sad kitten.

we swap seats so that i can drive, michael's too unstable and i don't want anything happening.

"i'll take you home, alright? do you want me to stay?" i would take michael back to my place, but i haven't told my family about him yet, let alone that i'm gay...

"yeah, what about your car?" michael sighs, leaning his head on the window.

"i'll pick it up tomorrow, don't worry"

we drive in a comfortable silence as we drive back to michael's house, stealing glances at each other whenever we can.

i park the car and hand the keys to michael.

"thank you" and i finally see michael smile for the first time today, which makes me smile.

"what? why are you smiling?" michael asks me.

"i like seeing you smile"

"oh" michael blushes, opening the door so we can get inside before the rain drowns us.

"what do you wanna doooo?"

"wanna just watch a movie or something?" michael smiles, grabbing his laptop off of the floor.

"just look for a movie on netflix or something, i'll go grab food" michael hands me his laptop and goes into the kitchen.

i open the laptop and open netflix. i scroll through and pick out y favourite movie, Mean Girls.

"i have leftover pizza, and a shit tonne of everything else" michael giggles, placing all the food on the table in front of us.

he plugs the laptop into the tv to connect them and presses play on the movie. michael sits right next to me and wraps his arms around me, smiling a cheesy smile.

"so why'd you pick mean girls?" michael giggles.

"it's my favourite movie"

"oh my gosh mine too!"  mivhael smiles.

"let's watch then!" i wrap my arm around michael as the movie starts.

michael and i obviously both know this movie back to fromt and upside down, as we both recite nearly the whole movie.

"michaelll" i groan.


"can we pause the movie? i gotta piss"

michael giggles as he pauses the movie "go on then"

((a/n: changing pov bc i had something planned but then remembered it's luke's pov lol))

M I C H A E L (A) ' S

not very long after luke leaves the room, i hear luke's phone receive a text. being the nosy person i am i lean over and look at it. i can't believe my eyes.

babygirl 😍: you still up for tonight baby? 👅💦 xo

what the fuck? who the fuck is this person? why are they messaging luke? what was supposed to happen tonight? so many questions are running through my mind, and as if right on queue, luke walks back in.

"hey mich- what are you looking at?" he asks, walking back over to me.

"what the fuck is this?" i immediately get up from the sofa and shove his phone in his hands.

"fuck" he mumbles. "it's not what it looks like michael, i swear. i-"

"fucking save it. just get out!" i shout.


"stop. i told you to get the fuck out"

"michael, please let-"

"get out!" i scream, opening the front door.

luke obeys, and just walks out without another word.

i slam the door behind him and lean against the door, sliding down to the floor. ((a/n: lol them rhymes tho))

all i do is sit there, cuddling into my legs, staring at the wall as a single tear falls from my eye.

why the fuck you lyin', why you always lyyyin', mmmmm oh my god, stop fuckin lyin'

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