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M I C H A E L (A) ' S

luke laughs hysterically, "oh my"

"what?" i look to luke, biting my lip.

"you actually fell for it!" he laughs again, taking a step towards me as i take a step back.

"w-what?" i stuttuer, furrowing my eyebrows.

"you really think i like you?" he laughs, yet again. my jaw drops and no sound comes out.

"you really think i was a dick to you just because i like you?" he continued laughing, taking a step towards me as i bang into the wall behind me.

he towers over me like a... like a monster.

"what are you talking about, luke?" i begin trembling as luke's eyes narrow, and he brings his face closer to mine. i wince, quickly looking away.

"you're such a fucking idiot" luke says with a low, menacing laugh behind it.

"luke, w-what are you s-saying?"

"you're an idiot for thinking anyone would ever like you" he puts emphasis on the word 'you', and pushes his finger into my chest.

"you're such a loser. a faggot. pansy. idiot. dick" luke spits as a tear falls from my eye.

luke places his hands either side of my body on the wall so i can't escape from him.

"l-luke... st-stop it. p-please" i cry out.

"you're a loner. a-"

and then i wake up, sweating with tears rolling down my cheeks. i sniffle, whispering "what the fuck" to myself.

it seemed so real... it wasn't real, right? i pinch myself to make sure i'm not dreaming right now "ow, fuck. yep definitely was a dream before.

i slowly get up, breathing shaky and walk to the bathroom.

i flick on the light switch and walk straight to the mirror.

i look so pale, sweat drips down my forehead and my lip is trembling.

"i'm such an idiot. i really am a loser aren't i? i have no friends, except for luke. at least, i think? as long as that was a dream...

i'm so fucking worthless. nobody likes me. i don't even like me.

then i hear my phone go off.

luke: kitten, are you okay??

michael: huh?

luke: you messaged me... saying "luke, stop it please" :-(

michael: oh

michael: sleep texting

michael: bad dream

michael: i'm fine

luke: are you sure?

michael: yeah

luke: open the front door it's freezing out here

michael: you're here??

luke: yes please hurry

michael wipes his eyes and makes sure it doesn't look like he was crying.

michael opens the door and is straight away engulfed into a hug from luke.

"it's okay, baby" luke whispers.

"i know. it was just a bad dream" i smile softly, wrapping my arms around luke.

"stay?" i ask, looking up at luke.

"really?" he smiles.


"definitely, kitten. i wouldn't want to leave you alone after a bad dream" luke finally let's go of the hug, and i grab his hand, pulling him along with me and back to my room.

i let go of luke's hand and jump back into bed, cuddling into all the blankets.

"you coming?" i giggle.

"oh, oh!" luke's eyes widen as he giggles, jumping into the bed next to me.

luke cuddles into me, so we're basically spooning and we stay like that without talking.

just as i'm about to drift to sleep completely, i hear luke whisper "i love you, kitten." before he nuzzles into me and we both drift off to sleep.


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