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luke: who the fuck are you

babygirl 😍: surely you remember me baby

luke: i haven't been with anyone since michael came into my life now who the fuck are you

since luke doesn't know who it is, he decides to change the contact name because he can't stand seeing the word 'babygirl' right now.

random: aw you really don't remember me? damn

luke: answer my question! who are you and why are you in my contacts?

random: did i ruin your relationship with michael, huh?

luke: hopefully not but he did kick me out

luke: how did you know i was with michael? who are you?

random: it's calum and ashton hah

luke stares at his phone in confusion, nearly walking into a pole. "fuck" he mumbles.

luke: what the fuck? what do you mean? ((a/n: i'm JB af))

random: it's calum and ashton, has your little bromance ruined your ability to read huh?

luke: how were you in my contacts as that fucking name?

random: we have our ways.

luke: fucking hell

little do calum and ashton know that luke was on his way to calum's house because that's most likely where they are.

random: we found some friends that could hack into phones and change things around :)

luke: fuck off with the smiley faces

luke walks up to calum's front door slowly, and knocks on the door.

luke hear feet padding across the floor to the door, and the door opens.

luke doesn't say anything, instead he just walks in and punches calum.

"ow, fuck!" calum shouts, holding his face.

ashton takes a swing at luke, luke dodging and grabs ashtons arm, twisting it and dropping ashton to the floor.

as soon as luke turns around, calum goes to take a swing at luke but luke blocks it, kicking calum in the balls.

luke lets out a little chuckle before turning around and kicking ashton so he stays on the floor.

luke bends down and punches and slaps ashton until he's bleeding and then does the same with calum.

"that's what you get for messing with my fucking relationship" luke whispers in both of their ears. calum and ashton just stare back at luke in shock, as they sure didn't expect that.

luke just walks straight out the door, pulling the finger at them while making funny faces and laughing.

might double update but don't take my word for it

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