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"luke, you coming to the party tonight?" calum asks as he plops down on the couch.

luke doesn't reply as he continues typing on his phone.

"luke?" calum rolls his eyes, slouching as he shoves some chips in his mouth.

"what?" luke looks up from his phone, locking his screen.

"i asked if you were coming to the party tonight?"

"um, uhhh... nah, not tonight" luke feels his phone vibrate and goes to look at it as calum snatches it from his hand.

"what's gotten into you lately? who the fuck is this you're messaging?" calum snaps.

"none of your business, cal. give it back." luke calmly replies, trying to grab his phone back but calum moves away.

"who the fuck is sweaterpaws?" calum scoffs, "first of all that's a stupid username"

luke jumps up off the couch and grabs his phone off of calum, before sprinting upstairs and locking himself in his bedroom.

"fucking hell" luke mumbles to himself.

luke: sorry i took so long to reply. my mate took my phone

michaela: that's okay :-)

luke: :-)

michaela: :-)

luke: you're great, you know that?

michaela: what

luke: idk

michaela: thank you. i really needed that right now

luke: why? :-(

michaela: my "friend" ashley stopped talking to me because i won't stop talking to you all the time

luke: oh

luke: i ruined your friendship? fuck stop talking to me then

michaela: no, we're not going through this again luke. i will not stop talking to you

luke: but ashley?

michaela: is obviously not a true friend if he'd leave me because i'm happy talking to someone that's not them

michaela: she'd*

luke: :-)

michaela: :-))

*turns this book into a malum book bc muke is dying bc arzaylea shit*

jk jk muke is always alive

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