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babyboyluke: how do you feel about the way luke's parents reacted to him coming out?

a: it makes me really sad. i wish they'd be accepting of it, i hope they'll work it out soon :-)

malikbieberclifford: can i be a godmother to you and luke's future child?

a: i don't exactly know you to trust you as the godmother to a child but sure thing chicken wing

EmmilyX: can you shower luke with kisses in public?

a: i don't think so. luke isn't fully comfortable with it all yet so i gotta respect his thoughts and feelings :-)

whataclifford: top or bottom?

a: it all depends on how i'm feeling at the time, y'know? ;-))

calumswifeaf: can you wear a skirt?

a: tbh i've always wanted to, but i just don't want to get judged by everybody even more than i already am :-(

uranvs: i know it's too early, but have you ever thought of you and luke as a married couple?

a: of course i have!! i thought about it before we were even together hahah


babyboyluke: do you wish you would've never came out to your parents?

a: yeah i really do... my life has changed completely now without them in it

malikbieberclifford: when did you know you were gay?

a: i always thought i was straight, i hooked up with girls all the time. but then i saw michael, and everything just changed. i don't know how, but it all changed

EmmilyX: on a scale of 1-100 how hot is michael compared to evan peters?

a: michael is 83928484 times hotter than any other guy i know so like, 83928484/100

whatamikey: pls stay strong for mikey, ily

a: i really am trying. i love you too :-)

calumswifeaf: my arms are open for hugs baby

a: sorry, but i only hug michael :-)


babyboyluke: boy why u being such a bitch about muke i get u let ashton fuck u

a: luke knew how much i hated gays. and that last part made me feel awfully uncomfortable that will never happen

malikbieberclifford: y u all up in muke's grill, boi? no one invited u to their barbeque

a: what??

EmmilyX: if your name wouldn't be calum, then what would it be?

a: c-dizzle ca$h money

whataclifford: why would you do this to luke? he's your best friend :/

a: was my best friend.*

femaleclifford: u fucking slug

a: thanks?

calumswifeaf: i waNT A DIVORCE

a: calm down no need for caps lock mate. i've never been married to get a divorce what?


malikbieberclifford: y u do dis?

a: do what?

babyboyluke: u b callin muke all sorts a shit when i bet u and calum be the same shit u 2 fuckin

a: no ew ew ew i would never do anything with calum what the hell

EmmilyX: do you know 5 es-oh-es???? they are really shiiiiitty weewweeewwww

a: who??

whataclifford: how could you do this to michael? aren't you his best friend?

a: it's his fault. he's the one who stopped talking to me and hanging out with me

whataclifford: are you jealous of luke bc he gets michael's attention?

a: not so much jealous, just pissed off.

calumswifeaf: hoe

a: uh thanks i guess?

andy hemmings

babyboyluke: please fight me i'm not kidding i'll actually beat you the hell up you son of a bitch

a: Do not talk to me in that manner, thank you very much.

EmmilyX: teach me how to speak spanish.

a: I'm not a teacher, sorry.

whataclifford: you're a fucking bitch lol

a: again with this, do not speak to me in that way, please!

femaleclifford: i hope u get eaten by a caterpillar

a: Caterpillars are too small to eat a human.

calumswifeaf: dickhead

a: Stop speaking to me in that way, you lot.


malikbieberclifford: how do you come up with story ideas & where do you get motivation to write?

a: they just come to me randomly!! and i don't really, if i think of something to write, i quickly write the idea in my notes then write it at night bc i feel like i write best at night ((it's 1:52am lol))

babyboyluke: can we be friends? (-:

a: of course!!

EmmilyX: when did you start shipping muke?

a: i don't really remember, but sometime near the start of the year maybe?

EmmilyX: where did you first discover 5sos?

a: my friend told me about them when she went to the 1D concert they opened for, and i fell in love

whataclifford: HI ILY MARRY ME

a: i'm too young for marriage damn it

whataclifford: go on a date with me

a: sure thing chicken wing ;-)

calumswifeaf: cuTIE

a: not possible

uranvs: why are you so perfect? ily

a: i'm not but thank you!! i love you too <3


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