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trigger warnings ::
depressing thoughts
suicidal thoughts
alcohol stuffs
things like that, so read at your own risk. don't read if reading things like that will hurt you in some way <3

M I C H A E L (A)

as michael usually does when he's alone, sad, and depressed, he gets drunk. so drunk that he can barely walk straight, or think straight.

michael: fukc u luek

michael: dikcgead

michael: i habt eyou

luke: i'm sorry :-(

michael: fukcs odf

michael gets up off the sofa, tripping over his own feet and falls to the floor with a loud thud.

all he does is giggle and gets back up, walking to the kitchen and grabs another bottle of alcohol.

michael opens the bottle, throwing the bottle cap on the floor and walks back to the sofa and sits back down.

michael sings in a random tune, "why does everybody hate meeee"

michael stops singing and just says, "even i hate me" he sighs.

"my life is such a fucking mess"

"maybe it would be better if i wasn't living. i'm sure nobody would notice i'm gone. my parents won't because they're dead. everyone else hates me so they won't notice. maybe i'm really better off dead" michael rambles on, as he carried his bottle while walking out of the house.

he takes a couple more sips, and stumbles over his feet a few times.

it's about 2am so the streets are quiet and deserted. there are no cars in sight, only a big bridge up ahead.

"oh hi there, friend" michael says, roaming his hand along the beams of the bridge.

he takes a few more sips from the bottle. it's almost empty.

michael blinks a few times as the street lights are hurting his strained eyes.

michael trips over himself, yet again, and flops to the ground laughing.

"i haven't seen you in a while!" he giggles at the bridge.

michael slowly stands back up, gripping the beams of the bridge.

"maybe i'll be better off..." he mumbles, taking a step towards the edge of the bridge.

he jumps over the railings but still has his feet on the edge, his hands gripping the railing tight. he releases one hand to take one last sip of the bottle before he drops it and it falls to the ground on the pathway on the bridge.

"...dead" and he lets go.

michael closes his eyes as he falls.

falling, falling, falling...

until he wakes up. he jolts up, sweat beads dropping down his face as his heart beats fast.

"what the fuck" he mumbles, scratching his head.

michael picks up his phone from the bedside table and unlocks it.

he looks at his phone in confusion, as the kik app isn't where it usually is on the bar at the bottom of the screen.

"huh?" he mumbles.

he scrolls through the homescreen pages on his phone. no kik.

"wh-what?" he stutters, sitting upright in his bed.

michael: ashton

ashton: what's up mikey??

all michael can think is "why did ashton reply?"

michael: have we ever used an app called kik?

((a/n: i'm sweating))

ashton: uh nope? i don't recall using that

ashton: why?

michael: so i've never talked to luke?

ashton: no way! you're always too scared to... why are you asking these questions mikey? you're kinda scaring me

michael: um

michael: don't worry it's fine.

michael's only thoughts are, "was this whole thing a dream?"

and yes, it was.

michael tricked himself.






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