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L U K E ' S

today is the day. today is the day i am going to come out to my parents.

((a/n: comment HERE what you think his parents' reactions will be))

as soon as they're both home from work i will come out to them.

luke: mikey

michael: what's up baby boy?

luke: i've decided to do something. today

michael: what??

luke: i'm going to come out to my parents...

michael: omg

michael: good luck baby :-)

luke: thanks, i'll need it

i pull up outside our house and take a deep breath. i pull out the keys and get out, making sure to lock the car behind me.

i slowly walk up to the front door.

am i really doing this? i think i am. i'm ready.

i walk inside to see mum and dad are both home, sitting in the living room watching tv.

"hey mum, dad" i smile softly.

"do you want something, luke? you barely ever say hey to us" mum laughs.

i bite my lip, and scratch my chin "i uh, i actually need to um" i don't know if i can do this. i really don't know how they'll react.

"what, luke?" my dad asks.

"i need to tell you guys something." i sigh, walking closer to them.

"what is it, sweetie?" mum asks, smiling.

((a/n: i'm getting nervous writing this i'm sweating help me it's 12:23am))

"i, um" i can't get the words out. what is happening?

both of my parents raise their eyebrows simultaneously, waiting for me to say what i need to say.

"you know how quite often i'm not home at night or after school?"

"what have you been doing luke?" mum asks, concern taking over her face.

"i've been with someone" i scratch the back of my neck, looking down at the floor.

"has lukey got a girlfriend?" my dad asks, smiling.

"um, not exactly" i sigh, looking towards them again.

"i uh, i have a boyfriend. i'm gay." it feels good ((a/n: sounds good too)) getting it out there.

both of my parents' jaws drop straight away. they're both not speaking. that's until i see my dad frown.

"you're gay?" he shouts, "how did this happen? we didn't raise you to be like that!"

"i will never have a gay son! ever!"

my jaw drops, as my eyes begin to water. i pull my hands up to my mouth to hold in my sobs.

"just, get out! get out of here luke, and don't come back until you knock some sense into that stupid brain of yours!" he shouts, pushing me towards the door.

"i-" i try to speak, but i'm interrupted.

"out!" he shouts, pushing me out the door, i turn around, and the door is slammed in my face.

all i do is cry, and run. i run all the way to michael's house without stopping, a trail of tears behind me.

i knock on his door and it opens straight away.

i look up to michael with red eyes, and he immediately embraces me into a tight hug.

"it'll be okay, luke"

i think this book might be coming to an end soon????

i nearly cried writing this... nearly...

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