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M I C H A E L (A)

((a/n: i forgot to double update last night bc i started sleeping lol soz here's the chap i was talking about))

michaela: i lpev ypu

michaela: iev lovd yoau for so mny yeas

luke: michaela? what are you saying?

michaela: i loce yu

luke: you're drunk aren't you

luke: you haven't even known me for years

michaela: ye si have'!!

"michael? what are you doing? your mum called me, she was worried about you" ashton walks up to me.

"ashton!! i'm fiiiiine" i giggle.

"why have you been drinking, mikey?" ashton pulls the bottle of wine from my hand.

"luke" i frown.

"michael, what have you been messaging him?"

"nothing!!" i try to get up off the floor but my head is throbbing so much i fall back down.

"pass me your phone" ashton demands.



"noooo!" i whine.

"michael, come here, you need to go to sleep okay?" ashton wraps his arm around me, pulling me off the ground and walks me over to my bed.

"i don't want to sleep!" i giggle, and hit ashton in the arm.

"okay, just stay in bed okay? i'm taking your phone downstairs so you don't blow your cover of michaela alright? good night michael!" ashton smiles, pulling the blankets over my curled up body.

"good night" i smile back, cuddling into my blankets.


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