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M I C H A E L (A)

*after school the next day*

michael walks down the crowded hallway, minding his own business while humming along to his music that's blasting in his ears.

he continues walking until he looks up, seeing the intimidating luke - not like the innocent, shy luke he talked to after school the previous day - with his intimidating friends walking towards him.

michael quickly turns away, and scurries down the hallway until he bumps into something, someone, and fumbles with his books, being careful not to drop them.

"michael, where are you going? your locker is over there," ashton laughs, pointing in the direction michael was running from.

"l-luke, and his fr-friends," michael rushes out his words, "they were c-coming after m-me so i w-walked over here" michael looks down at his feet and rocks back on his heels.

"okay, well," ashton looks behind michael, luke and his friends nowhere to be seen, "they aren't after you anymore, but i'll come with you just in case, i'm done at my locker anyway" ashton smiles at his best friend.

"thank you" michael smiles back.

they walk together back to michael's locker. luke and his friends must have left because they both can't see them anywhere.

michael throws his books into his locker, literally, and grabs his school bag out, then closing his locker again.

"you coming to my house?" ashton asks.

"yeah, sure thing chicken wing" michael giggles.

"you're so weird" ashton laughs back.

"i know"

ashton and michael drive in silence, just the sound of quiet music and michael's hums are heard.

"i have an idea. it came to me earlier today, when i found out something. but don't ask me how i found out. you don't need to know that" ashton giggles, his huge dimples showing.

"oh? so are you gonna tell me? or naaah" michael laughs as he gets out of the car.

"once we're inside"

the two boys walk inside and say hello to ashton's mum as they grab some food, then go to ashton's room.

"sooo... what was this idea you were gonna tell me?" michael sits down on ashton's bed, opening a packet of chips. ((a/n: or crisps. idk what y'all call them lol))

"i got luke's kik-" before he can continue, michael gasps, all of the air from his lungs disappear, and he slaps his hand to his mouth. he groans in pain but stays in that position.

ashton laughs at michael's reaction before continuing, "i think you my friend, should message him,"

"w-what? no way!" michael says.

"but there's a twist, i think you should make a fake kik, pretend to be a girl from somewhere else in australia to trick him. be yourself, but he won't know it's you"

"holy shit ashton" michael's eyes widen, "this is the best plan you've ever had!" michael squeals.

"glad you think so," ashton smiles. "let's do this kik thing now then, aye?" ashton giggles.

"now? like, right now? right this minute?" michael rushes his words, heat filling his cheeks.

"yes. right this minute."

"well, okay then."

michael gets his phone out and downloads kik. he opens the app before taking a deep breath, "so, what should my name be?" he asks ashton.

"i've already thought about this one. i reckon michaela, looks just like michael but sounds different, its perfect."

"yes! and username?"

"i was looking up free usernames earlier when the idea came to me. i think it should be sweaterpaws because it's just like you in real life, but could also be michaela."

"damn, you've really thought a lot about this" michael laughs, putting in all the details to create his new identity.

"okay. it's done" michael lets out a long breath, "what's his username?"

"lukethepenguin96" ((a/n: this random user was off the top of my head lmao, doubt it'd be the real luke so))

"oh my god. that's adorable!" michael giggles.

"shut up and message him" ashton laughs back, playfully punching michael in the shoulder.

michael frowns, rubbing his shoulder , "ouch" he says.

"seriously michael? stop procrastinating" ashton laughs.

"okay. i'm really going to do this. oh my god what if he finds out it's me? what do i do?" michael scrunches his eyebrows, frowning.

"michael. he won't. come on" ashton laughs at his lovestruck friend.


"wait what?" ashton quickly looks down at michael's phone to see,

michaela: hey :-)


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