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M I C H A E L (A)

"hey mum" michael softly smiles, sitting on the grass and replacing the dead tulips with new ones.

"sorry, again, that i haven't visited in a while. i've just been having so much fun with luke" he smiles at the thought of luke.

"he makes me really happy. i just wish you were here to see it. i wish you were still here to meet luke. he really makes me happy, mum."

michael sits in silence ((a/n: bc somebody stole his car radio)) and plays with the petals on the dead flowers.

"i wish i would've gotten the chance to come out to you before you passed away" michael frowns. he really has no idea how luke felt when his parents rejected him. he doesn't know how to properly comfort luke, because he's never experienced anything like it before. this makes michael sad, he just wishes he could comfort luke the way he wants to.

"luke's parents completely rejected him when he came out to them. they're very homophobic. luke is now staying with me, since his parents kicked him out"

"ashton doesn't speak to me anymore. he thinks i replaced him with luke, but i didn't. but he has now got calum, luke's ex best friend so..." michael trails off.

"let's not get into the details of why they don't speak to us anymore umm..."


michael turns around to see luke standing behind him.

"hey!" michael says excitedly.

"um, are you n-nearly done h-here? i, i um, i need to t-talk to y-you" luke mumbles.

"oh. um yeah let me just say bye"

"i have to go now mum. i love you and i miss you so much" michael says, kissing the gravestone.

"so what do you want to talk about?" michael smiles as they walk towards the carpark.

"us." luke frowns.

the last chapter will probably be vingt-neuf and there will not be an epilogue

i could easily write the last couple chapters rn and post them but i like making you wait ;-)

also sorry its not a super long chapter, we're just getting to the good stuff next chap :-))) / :-(((

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