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M I C H A E L (A)
((a/n: now you get why i put (A) at the end ayyy))

luke: hi

luke: who exactly are you?

michaela: oh wait. you aren't the luke i was supposed to message haha. typo :/
((a/n: this sounds so cliche im laughing))

luke: that's okay. you can still talk to me if you want

michaela: okay sure!!

at this point, michael is literally jumping on ashton's bed full of joy, while ashton watched him and laughs.

luke: so michaela, where are you from?

"ashton!!" michael stops jumping and flops down onto the bed.


"where is michaela from?" michael asks, scrunching his eyebrows.

"umm... i dont know. like, melbourne or something?" ashton answers.

michaela: melbourne. hbu??

luke: oh

michaela: ???

luke: sydney

"oh i know" michael giggles.

luke: how old are you?

michaela: im 17, you??

luke: same :-))

michaela: yay :D

shitty & short chapter bc its just them getting to know each other loll

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