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M I C H A E L (A)

michael walks out of class as fast as he can to go and find his best friend ashton.

he speeds through the crowd and goes straight to ashton's locker. michael needs to tell ashton what just happened immediately.

a smile appears on michael's face when he sees ashton walking towards his locker.

ashton sees michael and smiles back, speeding up his pace to get to his locker.

"what's up?" ashton asks.

"ashton, the best thing just happened to me!" michael squeals.

"oh? and what was that?" ashton raises an eyebrow, giggling.

"oh, just the love of my life talked to me!" michael gushes.

"oh my god michael! that's amazing. what'd he say?" ashton smiles a big smile, showing his teeth.

"well... i accidentally sat in his seat. i swear it was on accident!" michael laughs before continuing, "he told me to get my 'gay ass' out of his seat" michael frowns, making quotation marks with his fingers as he says the words 'gay ass'. "but at least he talked to me... he actually talked to me." michael blushes.

"i guess that's good then?" ashton questions.

"it's definitely good ashton!" the love of my life noticed me, of course it's good michael thinks.

"do you want to come over to mine?" ashton asks.

"not today," ((a/n: i started singing the tøp song as i typed this lmao)) "i have lots of homework" michael sighs.

"damn it. tomorrow then?" ashton smiles, closing his locker.

"sure thing chicken wing" michael laughs. "cya tomorrow!" michael waves back at ashton, going to his own locker.

"cya!" ashton waves back, walking out of the school doors.

the hallways have cleared out now, since michael and ashton had been talking for so long. but this was how michael liked it, it was peaceful after a hectic day at school.

"hey michael?" a voice says. michael freezes. it's his voice. luke's voice.

michael slowly turns around, "um, hi" michael looks down at the floor, scratching the back of his neck.

luke's hands are in the pockets of his ripped black skinny jeans. he's wearing his typical black converse too, with a black tshirt and a red flannel shirt, topping it all off with a backwards snapback.

"uh, i'm sorry about what i said in class, i uh, didnt mean it" luke rushes his words, and before michael gets a chance to reply, luke hurries off down the hallway and out of sight.

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