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M I C H A E L (A) ' S

i walk out of class for lunch with a smile on my face as i readjust my flower crown. yes, i wear flower crowns. deal with it.

my smile quickly fades into a frown when i see ashton looking back at me, before he sighs and walks away.

i've tried making amends with him, but he just won't take it. he really thinks i've left him to be able to talk to luke.

i grab my lunch, before sitting down alone at a table, since ashton obviously won't sit with me anymore.

i feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. who the hell would message me at this time?


i make sure he isn't near me and open the message

luke: hey

michaela: hey lucass

michaela: why are you messaging at this time of the day?

luke: uh

luke: you know how you said your friend ashley stopped talking to you?

my heart drops at the mention of 'ashley'. i miss him so much.

michaela: yeah. what about it?

luke: well

luke: i'm in the same boat as you


luke: my friend calum stopped talking to me

luke: i told him something about me that nobody else knows and now he hates me.

luke: this is why i kept it a secret

luke: i'm so fucking stupid

luke: i knew this would happen

luke: but i did it anyway

luke: i'm so fucking stupid

what could he have told calum that would make him hate luke? i thought they were the best of friends. but i guess i thought the same about ashton and i.

michaela: it's okay luke

luke: no it's not

michaela: you were just being honest. if he doesn't like that about you, then so be it. he must not be a true friend.

luke: thanks michaela

luke: you always know how to make me happier

michaela: you too luke :-)

luke: :-)

michaela: do you mind if i ask, what this thing was you told him?

michaela: you don't have to tell me if you don't want to

luke: i'm gay

oh shit

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