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M I C H A E L (A) ' S

what? did he really just say that?

no. i must be dreaming, right?

luke hemmings is not gay.

how does he know he's actually gay?

wait. he told me he has a crush. so he has a crush on a guy?

my brain is literally exploding right now with all of the possibilities.

i can't think of anything to reply with.

michaela: what?

luke: ugh

luke: i shouldn't have told you

michaela: no no no no it's alright luke!!

michaela: great actually

luke: huh?

michaela: don't worry

"fuck... why did i say that" i mumble to myself, sighing.

luke: okay

michaela: i won't judge you for being gay

luke: are you sure?

michaela: of course

"yes because i'm gay too" i mumble to myself again.

i look around, and see luke sitting alone like me, smiling at his phone. he's smiling because michaela told him she won't judge him for being gay.

luke: i think the guy i like hates me though

so he does like a guy...

michaela: why?

luke: because when i was friends with calum i was a dick to everyone...

michaela: even him?

luke: yeah :/

michaela: why don't you try talking to him? apologise?

luke: i think i will

michaela: yayyy, good luck :-)

i don't really mean good luck, the thought of him with another guy that's not me makes my heart shatter into a million pieces.

luke: thank you. i'm going to do it right now :-)

michaela: :-)

i look up to see luke standing up. he takes a deep breath before he tucks in his chair, and begins walking.

i quickly look away because i don't want him to see me staring.

"hey" a familiar voice says to me.

wait, what?

i love these cliff(ord)hangers

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