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M I C H A E L (A) ' S

as soon as i read that message, my whole world froze and my jaw dropped to the floor.

he must be messing with me, right?

maybe he knows that i'm really michaela... and he's trying to get back at me?

whatever it is, i don't know whether i can believe it or not.

oh god. i have chemistry class with luke in it next.

i get up from the table and go to my locker, grabbing my books and slowly walk towards the science lab.

i take deep breaths as i walk, "okay. it will all be okay. don't worry about it. okayyyy" i mumble to myself as i walk, probably getting a few stares from people but who cares.

i take a peek into the class to see if luke is there yet, which he isn't. thank the lord.

i go to my usual spot in the back corner, and take out my phone. shit, i never replied to luke... i'll just tell him that i had class, because that's true.

i put in one earphone, so i can still hear if the teacher comes and play gasoline by halsey.

but somebody interrupts my listening, as they sit down next to me and grab my other earphone - without asking me - and puts it in their ear.

"uh, what are you doing?" i laugh.

"well i uh, didn't want to completely interrupt you because you looked so peaceful so uh, yeah" luke rambles on.

"oh, uh, okay" i giggle, quickly looking away.

i need to make it seem like i don't know anything, because michaela knows, but michael doesn't.



"why aren't you sitting with calum?" i want to know if he'll actually tell me the proper reason like he told michaela or avoid it.

"um, he's being a dick because i told him something that nobody else knows and yeah" luke looks down to the floor, and as if on cue, the teacher walks in.

"alright class, get into pairs and do the experiment on page 93!" the teacher shouts to the class.


"yeah?" i look to luke for the first time since he sat next to me and his beautiful blue eyes are shining like gems. oh my god stop it michael.

"um, do you wanna be partners today?" luke asks.

oh how i wish he meant real partners like boyfriend, but i guess this will have to do for now.

"yeah, sure" i smile.

"awesome" luke smiles back.

*after school*

luke: michaela!!

michaela: luke!!

michaela: oh yeah sorry i didn't reply, i had class

luke: that's alright!! :-))))

michaela: you seem very happy. why? hahah

luke: well

luke: i got the nerve to sit next to michael in chemistry and he actually talked to me, and we did experiments together bc i asked him to be my partner in it. i wish it was like real partners bc having michael as a boyfriend sounds amazing right about now but yeah we talked and it was fun and i'm happy :-))))

reading this message put the biggest smile on my face, does he really want that? to be my boyfriend?

michaela: i think someone's in loooooove ;-))

luke: shut up

luke: but it's true

i think i need to tell him. i have to.

michaela: luke

luke: michaela

michaela: i need to tell you something...

luke: sure thing chicken wing

michaela: you'll probably hate me after this ngl

luke: what? why? what is it michaela

michaela: luke i'm

michaela: i'm not michaela

luke: what?

michaela: never have been. never will be

luke: what?


michaela: i'm michael

610 words aka longest chapter i've written woohoo

also 2k reads what the frick i love you guys

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