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M I C H A E L (A)

"wh-what do you mean?" michael stutters. he always stutters when he's nervous.

"i um, i don't know how to say it. fuck" luke mumbles, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"shit. how bad is it?" muchael mumbles as he scratches his neck.

"i, i think we," luke looks up to michael and frowns before continuing, "i think we should break up"

all of the air gets sucked out of michael's lungs, as he stands in front of luke with his mouth wide open.

"m-michael? are you al-alright?"

"why?" is the only thing michael manages to say.

"my, my parents. i really cannot live without them. i've tried talking to them multiple times but they won't take me back, unless i- unless i leave you. i'm sorry mikey. i'm so sorry" a tear falls from luke's eye.

"i-it's okay, luke. i get it, i guess. family always comes first..." michael sighs, and without another word he walks off, jumps into his car and goes straight back home.

michael parks and sits in his car. all he does is sit there and cry. he misses luke already.

"fucking hell. why me?!" he shouts, slamming his hands on the steering wheel as more tears fall from his eyes.

"why me?" he whispers, leaning on the window, tears still pouring from his eyes.

((a/n: i just dropped my phone on my mouth now part of my lip is tingly and feels weird))

michael slowly gets out of te car and walks inside, plopping himself on the sofa.

he decides to do something that he never would've done if this didn't happen.

he calls ashton.

"what do you want?" ashton answers. you can tell by the tone of his voice that he's probably rolling his eyes right now.

michael sniffles, "luke, luke broke u-up with me"

"and why are you telling me this?"

"i, i thought you, you would-"

"i would what? come and comfort you? no. i won't. you left me for luke and i told you not to come running back to me when he broke your heart. sorry michael" ashton sighs.

"o-okay then..." michael mumbles, hanging up the phone.

all michael thinks is, 'why does everyone hate me?'

one more chapter left

trigger warnings for next chap:
depression and all things alike. such as suicidal thoughts and all that jazz. read it at your own risk ://

love you guys

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