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M I C H A E L (A)

it's lunch time at school and michael goes to his usual spot alone, plugging in his headphones and starts eating his sandwich.

that is, until luke interrupts.

"michael" luke sighs.

michael pretends not to notice luke and continues on his phone.

"michael" luke pokes michael's shoulder.

"what?" michael snaps.

"i swear there is no girl in my life!"

"then what the hell did i see on your phone, huh?" michael rolls his eyes.

"fucking calum and ashton got someone to hack my phone to tear us apart. please, you have to believe me mikey"

"how can i believe you luke? after all, you have been a dick to me since we've known each other." michael states, looking up at luke.

"i texted them asking who it was and how they got on my phone and they admitted it! i'll show you!" luke sits down next to michael, getting out his phone.

"what the fuck..." luke mumbles, furrowing his eyebrows.

"what a surprise, the messages aren't there!" michael says sarcastically.

"michael i swear they were there! they must have fucking hacked again and deleted them" luke groans, right as the battered and bruised calum and ashton walk in, smirking at luke as all the girls swoon over the fact they got into a fight, and claim they won.

luke rolls his eyes, "just look at their smug looks! the smirking! it was them, i swear to god michael"

"what happened to their faces?" michael asks. "do you know?"

luke doesn't know what to say, does he tell michael? will he judge him?

"i-um, i uh, i dunno" luke stutters.

michael doesn't take it, "luke, did you do that?" michael asks.

"yes" luke sighs, looking down to his lap and plays with his fingers.

"well i guess you wouldn't do that unless they actually did something bad..."

"yes! i told you michael!"

"i'm sorry i didn't believe you... i was just so mad i had no time to listen to what you had to say" michael sighs, slouching in his seat.

"it's alright, baby" luke puts his arm around michael, kissing his blonde hair.

luke looks up to see calum, ashton and everyone looking and pointing at michael and himself, laughing.

"just ignore them lukey. you'll get used to it" michael smiles, snuggling into luke.

"i sure hope i will" luke sighs, hugging michael tighter.

double update bc i'm back at school so slacking at updating everyday and such!

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